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Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I HATE BUSES. to be more exact, i hate taking buses. it's as if my eight characters clash with all the bloody eight characters of buses.

1 - i leave my house early so as to not be late for work. so if u count waiting time etc etc, i shld reach my office at 815 - 825 if i leave my house at 730. but no, i leave my house at 730 and i reach my office at 755. work starts at 830 btw and i'm a sucker for being late. oh, and i need to change bus, that means (for those intellectually challenged) i take 2 buses... imagine that. bishan to ubi in 25 mins taking public transport, in the peak hour morning rush.

2 - after a hard day's work and i wanna get home asap. for no better reason than to rest and met my friends later on at night. and the fucking bus takes 10 thousand years to come. and instead of being pleasantly suprised like i always am in the moring, i see EVERY OTHER bus pass me by. and just to rub it in, i see EVERY OTHER BUS go pass me AGAIN. beat that. it's like some on up there just decided to take me for a ride. it takes me 45 mins to get home... fucking almost double the time it takes me to get to work. and i work over time, so THERE'S NO PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC.

3 - i bet if i'm late for work, it's gonna take me 45 mins to get to work.

4 - there's the usual sweaty, noisy (ntu pple mostly) and plain smelly (indians. sorry to all the indians out there and those dating indians... u guys rock. i want an indian gf. a north indian one. like those u see winning miss universe. hell i bet they dun smell like coconuts or overnight deorderant)

5 - there aint no pretty gals on buses now a days... it's a far cry from back when i was a busser. i used to look forward to getting for the bus for nothing more than the prospect of having eye candy to gaze upon while waiting for my stop to come. now,it's aunties and aunties and the occasional grandma. it's like a social stigma now, young and hot gals pls take the mrt. aunties and ah ma's, pls take the bus. WAT THE HELL! or maybe it's the place i'm working... ubi. it's ground zero for babes. and those that seem good live by this analogy "from far look good but actually far from good". it's like finding a thousand dollar bill on the road and upon closer inspection u'll realised it's a hell note( money pple burn to dead pple). the disappoint, huge. but the plus point abt it. u get immune to it after a while. it's like living without hope. u see one seeming ly not bad gal and u go, she's a decepticon( looks good from the back, wait till u see the front)

u know when u watch star wars, how yoda and obi one are always telling us to beware the dark side. how fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to the DARK SIDE. but have u ever asked urself wat is the other side? the light side? or is the good side? or is it the direct opposite - THE BRIGHT SIDE. imagine the vader telling his son, luke, join the dark side. beware the BRIGHT SIDE of the force... imainge all young sith students going for lessons and their masters telling them, "peace leads to happiness, happiness leads to love and love leads to the BRIGHT SIDE." where is the impact i ask.

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