This is the second coming of the return of the rise of the revivial of the resurrection of the... Okay, you should be getting the drift by now.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What to do.

Living the life of an auditor in a big 4 firm is bad enough, the hours are fantastic, the pay not so fantastic, the people are nice enough, some people are just not nice enough. it's tough enough being a small fish in the sea, it's even tougher being a small fish with a big fish set out to eat you alive and spit out your bones.

fuck. that's life.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quote of the day from Mi Mi

"The sales person couldn't understand what colour i wanted..."

"What colour did you want?"

"I wanted the blown bag. But she kept taking the brack bag... so I told her, I want the BLOWN bag. Not the BRACK bag..."
