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Saturday, July 02, 2005

In The Still Of The Night

i almosted got a heart attack when i stepped out of my car last night. at ard 2 am, there was this freak standing at the park giving a sermon. he was shouting at the top of his lungs uttering words like burning condemnation and for our sins will we burn forver in the pits of hell. my god. i took a look at him and gave him the please will u just fucking go home and sleep look. trying to be funny, i decided to go to the park where he was giving his sermon to get a closer look at the "guy with the fucked head." not wanting to do my close in recce so blatantly, i proceeded to do so under the pretense that i was bringing my dog out for a walk. (now for those of u who have heard of my dog, she's called mon. short for moron. she's a bitch, that much shld be obviously, a cowadly, timid dog that barks the loudest when she's behind the safety of the gates. a greedy dog, to date she managed to doubke her body wt in 1 yr... thank god she's stopped doing that.)mon scampered out of the gate faster than a speeding bullet, quicker than a flash of lightning ONLY to stop before enter the park to check if i was behind her. and i was. upon hearing that mad man raving in the park she turned tail and ran home refusing to leave the house despite my most insisntent pleading. so much for plan subtle. time for the big guns to enter the fray.

i called upon the forces that can move a mountain, turn the tides. forces that are so powerful and strong. forces that come when least expected and abandon when most expected. forces that make the weakest man seem strong and the strongest man seem no more than a frightened child. i called upon my sadly lacking courage. with a face that conveyed more gusto and bravado i strolled into the park and took a sit on the bench directly opposite mr weirdo. mr weirdo didnt not even blink. he didnt even pause. it was as if i wasnt there. on and on he continued to give his sermon about how we'll all burn in hell for lust, envy, greed, gluttony, sloth, wrath and pride. i continued looking at him with the " u ought to see a doctor" look and all of a sudden like a bat out of hell he screams and starts punching the chair he was standing on. yes, STANDING ON. now i was freaked. i took out my hp and placed it on standby all prepared to call my neighbours shld anything go wrong. i was charming a cobra, balancing the tightrope, holding the lion by it's teeth?

then, at the climax of his pounding,

he just left.

like that, gone with the wind.

and i was there, left alone with the echoes of what had just passed revebrating in my mind. i was spooked. shld i ever see him again i'm so calling the cops. i swear.

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