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Thursday, December 13, 2007

" "Can you read the inscriptions above each gate?" asked Skilgannon.

"No. I have often wondered what they meant. Just names, I suppose."

"More than that, Harad. Wall One was called 'Eldibar'. It was from an ancient tongue. It means Exultation. It is where the enemy is first fought and turned back. The defenders are exultant. They believe they can win. Wall Two was called 'Musif'. This means Despair. For the defenders of Wall Two have seen 'Eldibar' fall, and that is the widest, strongest wall. If that can fall, then perhaps they are doomed. Wall Three was 'Kamia'. Renewed Hope. Two walls have fallen, but the men on Wall Three are still alive, and there are still walls to retreat to. Wall Four is 'Sumitos'. Desperation. The three strongest walls have fallen, and it is now a desperate struggle for survival. Wall Five is 'Serenity'. The defenders have fought hard and well. The best of them have survived this far. They know death is coming, but they are brave and determined. They will not run. They will face the end with courage."

He fell silent.

"And Wall Six?" asked Harad.

"'Geddon'. Wall Six is 'Geddon'. Death."
" - Skilgannon the Damned to Harad at the ruins of Dros Delnoch, The Swords of Night and Day, by David Gemmell

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