And since this is my blog, what I believe should be on it is mostly decided by me and not by the general population of people who read my blog fucker. And if you do not believe that that is the best part of the mtv then there is even lesser reason for me to listen to you and place what you believe to be best on my blog since it is my blog and I believe I should only put what I believe to be the best part of the mtv on my blog.
And just in case any busy bodies are out there wondering “what the fuck is going on in his mind” or just having a case of “hmmm, this is interesting, some dumb fuck is angry with another dumb fuck” go fuck your ugly dog if you have one. If not, there’s always the SPCA (so please come-and-fuck animals).
anyways, below is the pictures as i have said.
In case you didn’t already noticed by now, it shows 2 dragon like stone things standing there before they started flaming, when they are flaming and after they are flaming. Remember, the F-O-C-U-S is on the S-T-A-T-U-E-S, not the singer.
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