passes like throwing knives... oh my god... depends on the thrower of the knife now doesnt it.
shoots like steely eyed missles.... i never knew missles had eyes. steely eyes?
erm, shadows do NOT cast shadows. and what does defending a counter attack has to do with surviving the attack. in fact, from where i come from, if we've survived an attack, i say we did a pretty decent job.
total football humiliates totally... erm. right. holland didnt win the euro cup? did they win the world cup? however i remember them losing and getting humiliated. maybe what they are trying to say is this, if they play with 33 man on the field under a style called total football, they would then get humiliated. TOTALLY.
cool asian dude. if only singapore could change their motto from "making lions look like kittens since 1965" into something more substantial.
oh the other hand, turning your thunder into whimpering? hahaha and the thing about being lightning... hahaha.
nike needs to seriously come up with better english man. these sentences would most definately not pass an analytical skills assignment. in fact, should i ever need to find fallacies, i would most definately use some of these. it sounds like "japanese english" according to by. :)
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