This is the second coming of the return of the rise of the revivial of the resurrection of the... Okay, you should be getting the drift by now.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


a quote from their boss, "We have entered into an era whereby imagination is much more important than knowledge and creativity and much more effective than productivity."

Okay, this quite really got on my nerves. Imagination is more important than knowledge and creativity. How on earth can that be true...? 1stly, imagination is just that, ideas be it good or bad, productive or not. Creativity on the other hand is the formulation of novel and new ideas. Which beats imagination hands down. For you can just keep imagining that you'll be rich. But be creative, produce a good idea then you're going to be rich.

Knowledge. I didn't know we've just stepped out of the industrial revolution into the knowledge based economy just a few years ago and now we're in the imaginative economy? fuck you, you fucking dumb bastard. If knowledge were not so important than I don't know what the whole developed world is doing trying to impart knowledge to their citizens. If what you say is true then the Singaporean Government must be mother-fucking-dumb in their drive to get as many Singaporeans filled with as much knowledge as possible. I mean why set up 3 universities, try to bring in UNSW, semi-recognise SIM and talk about setting up a 4th university if knowledge is no longer important.

And imagination is more effective than productivity. RIGHT. I would like to try sitting in front of my computer IMAGINING that I'm doing my work rather than actually doing my work. Because it is MORE EFFECTIVE than productivity.

What would the world do once productivity is down. With all this talk about increasing Singapore's productivity it's simply retarded to say that imagination is more effective than productivity...


Did I say that...


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Or driver will at you at 12:30. Do you will at home??


Customer Service Agent

A typical czech email in english...

Another thing, the parcel was supposed to be here on monday. It didn't come. It's supposed to reach at 1000hrs on tuesday morning, it isn't here. Now it's supposed to come at 1230hrs. I'm tingling with anticipation.

Oh and here's the aftermath of a party in my room.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I somehow find how they say this,
"Your blog post published successfully!" after you post an entry strangely annoying and oddly antagonising.

They really shouldn't be so enthusiastic that they did what they were supposed to do.

Fastball - Out of my head

Sometimes I feel
Like I am drunk behind the wheel
The wheel of possibility
However it may roll
Give it a spin
See if you can somehow factor in
You know there's always more than one way
To say exactly what you mean to say

Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind?
How could I have ever been so blind?
I was waiting for an indication
It was hard to find
Don't matter what I say only what I do
I never mean to do bad things to you
So quiet but I finally woke up
If you're sad then its time you spoke up too

Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind?
How could I have ever been so blind?
I was waiting for an indication
It was hard to find
Don't matter what I say only what I do
I never mean to do bad things to you
So quiet but I finally woke up
If you're sad then its time you spoke up too

Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind?
How could I have ever been so blind?
I was waiting for an invitation
It was hard to find
Don't matter what I say only what I do
I never mean to do bad things to you
So quiet but I finally woke up
If you're sad
Then its time you spoke up

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Some quoutes from Marcel

German," the germans are very hospitable, you should come germany and we'll take care of you there."

Marcel,"But only if your not a jew..."

Marcel on the phone to his friend who was getting lost, "All roads lead to Rome, Prague is just not along the way to Rome."

At a chinese retaurant he was staring intently at the menu.

me,"Marcel, what are you staring at?"

Marcel, "I'm thinking how many times I have to come here before I can say I've tried everything."

And a picture of the funny guy.

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Just for the gay salsa guy, pictures for you. No comments cause thats just too much work.

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sheesha night

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in brno

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temple of bones

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prague castle

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concentration camp

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Are you beginning to get get my point
They're always fighting with aching joints
It's doing nothing but tire us out
No one knows what this fight's about

Thursday, October 04, 2007

My laptop crashed in prague.fucking amazing. I almost died. But on the bright side, I've bought a mac and i'm not regretting it at all. except my neo office's spell check doesn't work. fuck. Otherwise it's fantastic.

And perhaps it'll be easier to not care but would you want me to do that? Or rather if I stopped caring would a little part of me die? And if it died would you want that.

I wanna go back and play tennis. Gay salsa guy, you better wait for me to get back man and not improve too much.

Talk about tennis, tennis soon and kick his ass. Seriously. How sporty one can get over 2 nights.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I don't know what to think anymore. Your lives are just so intertwined now aren't they. And perhaps there wouldn't be a place for me anymore.
