wwwOnce again I’m sitting in the office wasting my life away. Not by strength nor by might but by their fucking grace. Thanks to the brilliant people working here. I’ve either a, not gotten the schedules for me to work on. B, have not got the correct schedules or C, have received the right schedules, only to be told that there are changes to the schedules. But they all have the same impact, resulting in me slacking.
Anyway, the toilets here are locked and you obviously need a key to enter. Since there is some form of security, it’s safe to assume that there is a certain scarcity to the key, or else there would be no need for a key to unlock the locked toilet. There are only 2 keys in the office. 1 is held by the receptionist and the other is held by I-dunno-who.
While taking the key from the receptionist, or more accurately, while I was taking a piss. I was wondering why not duplicate more keys. Which lead me to the conclusion that they probably duplicated the key resulting in more keys (2 more be precise). So imagine, one day your boss goes up to you and tells you to duplicate the toilet key, the 1st thing I would say would be who’s paying for it? Being MNCs that most companies are now a days, the answer would be obvious. I pay 1st, they pay me back later. Which is not a problem. what happens when the company refuses to pay you back? is the key urs or the companies? should the key be yours then the fundamentals of this arguement is that ownership does not transfer until payment is made. which is fine.
but then you have to consider what right does an employee have to own something that belongs to the company just because the company has not paid for it yet. a key to the toilet might be a small thing but imagine a computer or something more sensitive, say the a new computing software. when it belongs to the employee, can he install it and use it at home although it is registered by the company just because it is his till the company reimburses him?
over the issue of mooching, why should people be penalised over using wireless networks? i've heard views that just because one does not take steps to protect a possession does not mean that others have a right to take it or use it. which is something i can appreciate. for example, say i own a bicycle and park it at the park (pun not intended). should some mother fucker come and use my bike without my permisson (in this case i would consider it stealing), that mother fucker is going to get a hurt real bad.
but how can the setup of a wireless network be compared to the purchasing of movable property. while, immovable property is used as a comparison as well, this analogy is quite spot on. i own a house and while i did not lock the gate, there is a social norm that just because the gates to a house is not locked, it does not mean that strangers are welcomed into the house and one should mind their own business and not enter the house. which is true. and something i agree to.
However, the difference is that with a house and a wireless network, a house is a physical structure with a gate. While it is just a gate, it gives people the impression that permission is to be granted before entering is allowed. it's just human nature. with a wireless network, there is no gate unless you consider clicking connect to be the gate.
a wireless network should be compared to an open field. while you might buy part of a field, no one pays attention to who owns that field. if the field is not fenced, the field is fair game and everyone can use it. and that is what an unprotected wireless network is like. naming your network while not placing a password is akin to buying an open patch and then placing a sign on it that says owned by iamdamnfuckingnaive, which has not much effect unless you are the PAP which gives you the right to say transpassers will be prosecuted and more importantly enforce it by suing chee soon juan to hell. not that i'm a supporter of chee soon juan. i think that it is a damn good thing that he's getting his ass sues and they should lock him away and throw awayy the keys or just deport him or make him leave for good. like francis seow or tan lian hong (what ever his name is). and if you could change your network name, i'm pretty sure your not that far away from placing a password.
but then again, that's a problem for lawyers to solve which i believe they already have. what the shit man...
i saw a place that has a name called pasta manna. they sell... well... pasta. what a name. i sense an impending lawsuit from you know who and probably a certain out of favour country manna. that's if they're still in business in singapore.
there's a ong joo joo pig farm pte ltd which has sent a letter of notice, saying that it's name has been changed to ong joo joo food industries... to think that he might have been a distant relative of mine makes me sick. but then again, i'll be a sort-of-heir to a food industry. haha.
This is the second coming of the return of the rise of the revivial of the resurrection of the... Okay, you should be getting the drift by now.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I hate this job
I hate this job. I hate the people working in the office and I hate the people working with me. The only thing I probably like about this job is that I’m fucking free because there simply isn’t anything for me to do.
There’s nothing for me to do because the mother fucking lazy bitches here either a, refuse to give me the documents I need or b, prepare the documents I need but refuse to pass them on to me till I go find them again and again and again or c, just plain outright tell me they’re busy and they’re not employed to entertain me. Well, I’m not employed to be your fucking stress relief lets scold the auditor just for kicks. Just wait till I start raising management points. I swear your name is on the top of the list, XXXXifer, even your name rhymes with Lucifer. Bitch. And what’s with preparing documents and not passing them to me? Wouldn’t you not rather I chase you down like the rat that you are… And your post might sound fantastic, accounting department deputy head, and your only getting fucking 2,800. I’m so going to earn more than you when I join the working world. Ohoh, elitism here. Better shut the fuck up before I ask you to get out of my elite uncaring face.
I hate the people I’m working with because I’m just not working with anyone and I hate not working with any. How cool is that. I have total autonomy to do whatever I fucking want and there’s no one to supervise me. How cool is that. And I can just say that I’ve gotten nothing from the clients (which is true) and not do anything! Internet! HERE I COME! Only 1 small problem here, there’s wireless but I’ve got no wireless card. There’s a lan port here but I’ve got no lan cable. WOOO HOOOO! I feel like a million bucks right now. Fucking shit. And Lucifer asked her it department to set me up with some internet access. It’s been 2 hours and STILL NO INTERNET ACCESS! Talk about efficiency man. Fucking shit I hate working alone. It sucks the marrow out of you. I’m bored. I almost spelt bored as board. Dammit. Give me what I need for crying out loud. I want to FINISH my work so I don’t have to work overtime. Or send someone, ANYONE to watch over me so at least I’ve got something to do. I wouldn’t mind doing ANHING. Photocopying, filing, ANYTHING.
And there’s this interesting thing that makes me wonder why people do not want to work at the management level. Non-management pay (in total) - $500,000 management pay (in total again…) – 400,000. Not too shabby right? Think again. NM CPF – 135,000 MM CPF – 160,000. And management has less than half the head count of non-management! And for the stunner, Non-management bonus – 200,000 while Management bonus – SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND! What the fuck is wrong with this world and to keep everyone happy, only the HR Director can look at management pay. They’re seriously whacked. I love this company.
I’m betting everyone’s wondering what company I’m working for. Seems pretty cool huh. They pay some 600 people one some and then some 200 people another sum. Of course all figures are un-audited just in case I say something stupid or something damn wrong that would land me in soup.
My clothes are getting tighter. This calls for some midnight supper. I mean running.
I love auditing! Shiok shiok ar auditing! Next time, I wanna audit smu, acs (i), acs(ib) and the acs with the bachelorette program thing. Acjc can suck my balls.
What’s the use of having a person’s msn if they never authorize you? it’s better than turning you down. And it’s definitely trying to avoid giving the msn.
There’s nothing for me to do because the mother fucking lazy bitches here either a, refuse to give me the documents I need or b, prepare the documents I need but refuse to pass them on to me till I go find them again and again and again or c, just plain outright tell me they’re busy and they’re not employed to entertain me. Well, I’m not employed to be your fucking stress relief lets scold the auditor just for kicks. Just wait till I start raising management points. I swear your name is on the top of the list, XXXXifer, even your name rhymes with Lucifer. Bitch. And what’s with preparing documents and not passing them to me? Wouldn’t you not rather I chase you down like the rat that you are… And your post might sound fantastic, accounting department deputy head, and your only getting fucking 2,800. I’m so going to earn more than you when I join the working world. Ohoh, elitism here. Better shut the fuck up before I ask you to get out of my elite uncaring face.
I hate the people I’m working with because I’m just not working with anyone and I hate not working with any. How cool is that. I have total autonomy to do whatever I fucking want and there’s no one to supervise me. How cool is that. And I can just say that I’ve gotten nothing from the clients (which is true) and not do anything! Internet! HERE I COME! Only 1 small problem here, there’s wireless but I’ve got no wireless card. There’s a lan port here but I’ve got no lan cable. WOOO HOOOO! I feel like a million bucks right now. Fucking shit. And Lucifer asked her it department to set me up with some internet access. It’s been 2 hours and STILL NO INTERNET ACCESS! Talk about efficiency man. Fucking shit I hate working alone. It sucks the marrow out of you. I’m bored. I almost spelt bored as board. Dammit. Give me what I need for crying out loud. I want to FINISH my work so I don’t have to work overtime. Or send someone, ANYONE to watch over me so at least I’ve got something to do. I wouldn’t mind doing ANHING. Photocopying, filing, ANYTHING.
And there’s this interesting thing that makes me wonder why people do not want to work at the management level. Non-management pay (in total) - $500,000 management pay (in total again…) – 400,000. Not too shabby right? Think again. NM CPF – 135,000 MM CPF – 160,000. And management has less than half the head count of non-management! And for the stunner, Non-management bonus – 200,000 while Management bonus – SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND! What the fuck is wrong with this world and to keep everyone happy, only the HR Director can look at management pay. They’re seriously whacked. I love this company.
I’m betting everyone’s wondering what company I’m working for. Seems pretty cool huh. They pay some 600 people one some and then some 200 people another sum. Of course all figures are un-audited just in case I say something stupid or something damn wrong that would land me in soup.
My clothes are getting tighter. This calls for some midnight supper. I mean running.
I love auditing! Shiok shiok ar auditing! Next time, I wanna audit smu, acs (i), acs(ib) and the acs with the bachelorette program thing. Acjc can suck my balls.
What’s the use of having a person’s msn if they never authorize you? it’s better than turning you down. And it’s definitely trying to avoid giving the msn.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
what's with the "it's complicated". you're either single or your not. it's not complicated. it's single. linc says it means that you're either, a. together but not sure where it's going. b. not together but heading that way. c. not together but fucking like rabbits and having no intention of getting together.
and to me i just cant seem to see what's so difficult about it. if your a, then it's in a relationship. b, single. c, single and very fuckable.
on the topic of friendster, i didnt really know how people describe their interests as i never did have a friendster account because of various reasons listed below and till g decided to give or lend or loan me hers, which ever way it doesnt matter, cause i have the password and i can lock her out. haha. anyway now i'm surfing through and i am apalled at how men describle themselves... i cannot understand why any decent self loving guy would like to describe himself as single and willing to meet new girls, or interested in, Relationship Women, Dating Women, Activity Partners. okay, for the 2nd part, i went online and within 10 s i found a self deprecating man who has absolutely no sense of shame... and what the fuck is an activity partner! haha. it sounds so damn bloody fucking wrong. imagine going up to a gal and saying can u be my activity partner... friendster should really come up with better names...
another abnormality i've seen is the part where they ask you or rather, a column that says favourite books. this part confounds me... after looking at a few people's profiles, they all seem to say that singaporean men do not read anything other than magazines. and to top it off, they add a one liner that really makes me doubt their intelligence - DO MAGAZINES COUNT? you bloody fucking stupid mother fucker, it's like saying name your favourite car and you go, do motorcycles count. and even if they did. your supposed to name your favourite motorcycle and no go, i dun know anything about cars but do MotORcYcLeS count? fucking retards. TyPIng LikE ThiS DOeS NoT iN AnYWay MaKE yOu MorE InTERStinG mOTher FUCkbag.
a classic example - eNGinEeRinG UNdErgRad. you're an engineer for crying out loud. stop trying to be happening because it.is.just.not.going.to.happen.
and from the same person - i hAtE bOoks... HATe tO rEAD BUT bO bIaN.
and when asked about what kind of people he would like to meet? - i wanna mEet PpLe and FrIENds WHO I kNOw BUT haAvEn reALly met FOR quTite a LOnG TIME.... meet ppple who are NiCeE sInCeRE SweeT lOvEly OuTgOiNg fRiEnDlY aPpROacHaBlE.....
i swear, he's seriously lost and perhaps taking the question a little too literally when asked about the kind of people he wants to meet. pppppppple whom he has known but havent really met for a long time... i'm sure there's a reason why you havent met them in a long time and i'm sure that "they're just not important enough" kinda tops the list.
and upon completing the task i was tasked to do in friendster, i realised that that particular person only has 1 testimonial. so over drinks with the guys, i mentioned that that person only has 1 testimonial. to that i got this - she has no friends. uh huh. right. older woman with no friends. how cool is that. and to top it off, you don't even have a single testimonials. fucking friendless loser. right.
i worked on a saturday.
and partied till sunday 6am courtesy of hzy. but at least you paid for 15% of my sake. haha. mahjong is slowly being seen in a better light.
who ever you are, you're good...
Many many years ago when I was twenty three,
I married a fine widow as pretty as could be.
This widow had a grown-up daughter
With hair of fiery red.
My father fell in love with her,
And soon the two were wed.
This made my dad my son-in-law
And changed my very life.
My daughter was my mother,
For she was my father's wife.
And then things went from bad to worse,
Although it brought me joy,
I soon became the father
Of a bouncing baby boy.
My little baby then became
A brother-in-law to dad.
And so became my uncle,
And that made me very sad.
For if he was my uncle,
Then that also made him brother
To the widow's grown-up daughter
Who, of course, was my stepmother.
My father's wife then had a son,
Who kept them busy, on the run.
And he became my grandson,
For he was my daughter's son.
My wife is now my mother's mother
And it makes me very blue.
Because, although she is my wife,
She's my grandmother too.
If my wife is truly my grandmother,
Then I, by rights, am her grandchild.
And every time I think of it,
It simply drives me wild.
For now it seems I have become
The strangest case you ever saw.
As the husband of my grandmother,
I am my own grandpa!
shame on you lyrics by the hot hot heat.
Running with scissors wasn't smart
I tripped and cut open your heart
okay, some of the lyrics.... at least the part of the lyrics i liked the best. ahaha.
i was talking to gay salsa friend askin him out for dinner when he went

at the end of that conversation, there was 1 person who was very pleased with himself, another who was not too pleased with the other 2 and the last one who was quite rightly wrongly accused. all because of a cheap attempt to get 1 free dinner and a desire to put something interesting on this blog.
and to me i just cant seem to see what's so difficult about it. if your a, then it's in a relationship. b, single. c, single and very fuckable.
on the topic of friendster, i didnt really know how people describe their interests as i never did have a friendster account because of various reasons listed below and till g decided to give or lend or loan me hers, which ever way it doesnt matter, cause i have the password and i can lock her out. haha. anyway now i'm surfing through and i am apalled at how men describle themselves... i cannot understand why any decent self loving guy would like to describe himself as single and willing to meet new girls, or interested in, Relationship Women, Dating Women, Activity Partners. okay, for the 2nd part, i went online and within 10 s i found a self deprecating man who has absolutely no sense of shame... and what the fuck is an activity partner! haha. it sounds so damn bloody fucking wrong. imagine going up to a gal and saying can u be my activity partner... friendster should really come up with better names...
another abnormality i've seen is the part where they ask you or rather, a column that says favourite books. this part confounds me... after looking at a few people's profiles, they all seem to say that singaporean men do not read anything other than magazines. and to top it off, they add a one liner that really makes me doubt their intelligence - DO MAGAZINES COUNT? you bloody fucking stupid mother fucker, it's like saying name your favourite car and you go, do motorcycles count. and even if they did. your supposed to name your favourite motorcycle and no go, i dun know anything about cars but do MotORcYcLeS count? fucking retards. TyPIng LikE ThiS DOeS NoT iN AnYWay MaKE yOu MorE InTERStinG mOTher FUCkbag.
a classic example - eNGinEeRinG UNdErgRad. you're an engineer for crying out loud. stop trying to be happening because it.is.just.not.going.to.happen.
and from the same person - i hAtE bOoks... HATe tO rEAD BUT bO bIaN.
and when asked about what kind of people he would like to meet? - i wanna mEet PpLe and FrIENds WHO I kNOw BUT haAvEn reALly met FOR quTite a LOnG TIME.... meet ppple who are NiCeE sInCeRE SweeT lOvEly OuTgOiNg fRiEnDlY aPpROacHaBlE.....
i swear, he's seriously lost and perhaps taking the question a little too literally when asked about the kind of people he wants to meet. pppppppple whom he has known but havent really met for a long time... i'm sure there's a reason why you havent met them in a long time and i'm sure that "they're just not important enough" kinda tops the list.
and upon completing the task i was tasked to do in friendster, i realised that that particular person only has 1 testimonial. so over drinks with the guys, i mentioned that that person only has 1 testimonial. to that i got this - she has no friends. uh huh. right. older woman with no friends. how cool is that. and to top it off, you don't even have a single testimonials. fucking friendless loser. right.
i worked on a saturday.
and partied till sunday 6am courtesy of hzy. but at least you paid for 15% of my sake. haha. mahjong is slowly being seen in a better light.
who ever you are, you're good...
Many many years ago when I was twenty three,
I married a fine widow as pretty as could be.
This widow had a grown-up daughter
With hair of fiery red.
My father fell in love with her,
And soon the two were wed.
This made my dad my son-in-law
And changed my very life.
My daughter was my mother,
For she was my father's wife.
And then things went from bad to worse,
Although it brought me joy,
I soon became the father
Of a bouncing baby boy.
My little baby then became
A brother-in-law to dad.
And so became my uncle,
And that made me very sad.
For if he was my uncle,
Then that also made him brother
To the widow's grown-up daughter
Who, of course, was my stepmother.
My father's wife then had a son,
Who kept them busy, on the run.
And he became my grandson,
For he was my daughter's son.
My wife is now my mother's mother
And it makes me very blue.
Because, although she is my wife,
She's my grandmother too.
If my wife is truly my grandmother,
Then I, by rights, am her grandchild.
And every time I think of it,
It simply drives me wild.
For now it seems I have become
The strangest case you ever saw.
As the husband of my grandmother,
I am my own grandpa!
shame on you lyrics by the hot hot heat.
Running with scissors wasn't smart
I tripped and cut open your heart
okay, some of the lyrics.... at least the part of the lyrics i liked the best. ahaha.
i was talking to gay salsa friend askin him out for dinner when he went
at the end of that conversation, there was 1 person who was very pleased with himself, another who was not too pleased with the other 2 and the last one who was quite rightly wrongly accused. all because of a cheap attempt to get 1 free dinner and a desire to put something interesting on this blog.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
if the car keys are not at my house, you ought to get the hint that ur not supposed to use the car. and no, i do not appreciate the ransacking of my things. neither do i appreciate the constant calling. and least of all, i do not appreciate getting an sms demanding my car keys because it's my car. you did not pay for them and neither did u help me maintain it. blood means moot to me when i only see you when you're needing my parents help. and do not be shocked that my mom does not have her set of keys because there are 2 sets of keys. one is in my office and the other with me. too bad my mom's in china.
don't give me promises like only i will use it and not my son. or that i'll use it for a short while. or that i'll pay you back for the petrol used. or i'll take really good care of your car. because quite frankly, you will not. and i'm not interested in playing some cat and mouse or police and thief game where you break all the rules and i try to catch you doing so because i reckon since you'll be cheating anyway, there's really no point playing such a game with you. the odds are against me and i don't bet against myself.
so don't pretend and call me inquiring about the whereabouts of my car because it is quite frankly, outside my house. and dun pretend that you're not outside my house when you say things like i don't see your car keys and lastly, don't go and ask my mother who will ask my father to tell me to leave a set of keys in case of "special" occasions whereby you'll really need the car because you mean about as much to me as the mother fucking begger who is not in anyway disabled.
don't give me promises like only i will use it and not my son. or that i'll use it for a short while. or that i'll pay you back for the petrol used. or i'll take really good care of your car. because quite frankly, you will not. and i'm not interested in playing some cat and mouse or police and thief game where you break all the rules and i try to catch you doing so because i reckon since you'll be cheating anyway, there's really no point playing such a game with you. the odds are against me and i don't bet against myself.
so don't pretend and call me inquiring about the whereabouts of my car because it is quite frankly, outside my house. and dun pretend that you're not outside my house when you say things like i don't see your car keys and lastly, don't go and ask my mother who will ask my father to tell me to leave a set of keys in case of "special" occasions whereby you'll really need the car because you mean about as much to me as the mother fucking begger who is not in anyway disabled.
Friday, January 05, 2007
where's my mom?
my mom left for china on the 3rd of january. 2 days before she left, my dad made some potatoe soup for dinner and breakfast for the next day. today is the 6th of january and the past 2 days i noticed a funny smokey smell coming from the fridge area. i believed it was some shit caused by some stupid construction worker that was visiting my estate regularly. after lunch, i was cleaning up some shit when i noticed that the electric soup maker (is that what we call it?) was still turned on... i opened it and saw fucking the potatoe soup my dad made still inside. the carrots inside it had turned white and there was this strong musky smell quickly filling up the whole room. the chicken legs inside had also turned white. and the whole damn thing was still warm (because of the keep warm function). it was the single most gross thing i've ever seen in my life. disgusting.
thank god for the washing machine. now someone should invent something that can dry and iron my clothes automatically. and at the same thing, make it magically appear inside my cupboard. like... magic?
my dog probably hates my guts because i'm feeding her only 2 handfuls of dog food for dinner and she gets fruits courtesy of my dad in the morning. this compared to buttered bread and chicken rice at night plus cake for supper. chicken rice is not the chicken rice we know of but rather the literal meaning of the words chicken rice. boiled chicken with plain white rice sometimes with a sprinkling of dog food on top. fucking pig.
there's this big fat mosquito in my room. considering that there's no one else in the house. she must have gotten so fat from sucking my fucking bloody. and that's fucking a lot of blood. she's a sly one though, never landing on any part of my anatomy that i can see. they're always on the back, side, backside, back of the thigh and the all time worst place? the sole of my feet. FUCKER.
my uncle's being a pain. my dad told me to drive to work. and i was like WENT TO FRANCE! (wtf) are u kidding me. he quickly followed up with a, "well if ur not driving to school maybe you would like to hide ur keys or bring them with you to work..." all this to prevent my uncle from taking my car. haha. not a problem. i brought both keys with me to work. and at night when i wanted to go out, i realised i left BOTH of them in the office. WENT TO FRANCE!
hellocutesenior! on monday i'll be a happy man. at least till i finish the week and go to carrefour. lets hope carrefour is a good place to be.
thank god for the washing machine. now someone should invent something that can dry and iron my clothes automatically. and at the same thing, make it magically appear inside my cupboard. like... magic?
my dog probably hates my guts because i'm feeding her only 2 handfuls of dog food for dinner and she gets fruits courtesy of my dad in the morning. this compared to buttered bread and chicken rice at night plus cake for supper. chicken rice is not the chicken rice we know of but rather the literal meaning of the words chicken rice. boiled chicken with plain white rice sometimes with a sprinkling of dog food on top. fucking pig.
there's this big fat mosquito in my room. considering that there's no one else in the house. she must have gotten so fat from sucking my fucking bloody. and that's fucking a lot of blood. she's a sly one though, never landing on any part of my anatomy that i can see. they're always on the back, side, backside, back of the thigh and the all time worst place? the sole of my feet. FUCKER.
my uncle's being a pain. my dad told me to drive to work. and i was like WENT TO FRANCE! (wtf) are u kidding me. he quickly followed up with a, "well if ur not driving to school maybe you would like to hide ur keys or bring them with you to work..." all this to prevent my uncle from taking my car. haha. not a problem. i brought both keys with me to work. and at night when i wanted to go out, i realised i left BOTH of them in the office. WENT TO FRANCE!
hellocutesenior! on monday i'll be a happy man. at least till i finish the week and go to carrefour. lets hope carrefour is a good place to be.
i don't know where you get your information from or how you come to you conclusions but the one time i told the truth it bit me in the ass and i'm sick of it. stop painting the picture you want to see and see what is happening. i doubt you would be where you are if it weren't for my pushing and prodding.
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