This is the second coming of the return of the rise of the revivial of the resurrection of the... Okay, you should be getting the drift by now.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

What are they thinking!

What are they thinking, they left me, an intern with less than 1 weeks’ worth of experience in an office. Alone. And the expect me to know what to do. It would probably be a lot better if my senior had told me what to do properly. Instead, she left me some instructions which essentially is this, “here, this is what you need to do. Read it and do it.” But I dun fucking get it. I am lost, like almost totally, I spent the last hour doing some shit that I don’t even know if it’s right or wrong. The staff here know that I’m new and are trying their best to tell me that I do not need anything. With nothing, what am I supposed to do. Suck my cock for the next 5 hours? Provided I leave on time that is.

And that fucking senior of mine is amazing, yesterday when I was doing my work, I asked her what needed to be recorded and she didn’t mention anything about a delievery order. And today she’s like, errr, I think you need to record down all the delievery order numbers… I was astounded. I told her that I asked her about it yesterday and she didn’t mention anything. And I even double checked and she said there wasn’t a need to and now you’re asking me to get it for you? I died when going through 40 files to fill up those blanks and you will be damned if you expect me to do it again because you forgot to tell me to. I swear, if you try to ask me to do it again, rest assured, tomorrow, I will be on medical leave. Working is one thing, working for imbeciles is quite frankly another. Wait, you’re not even a senior.

Why can’t I get the cutest thing on earth senior like I did for the last job… Now I’m really looking forward to going back under her again. I am seriously getting peeved.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A bitter taste in my mouth because of many things and i wonder if i've already been relagated.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


It’s funny how time seems to slow down and crawl at a ever slower pace when you want a certain time to arrive. Like I’m waiting for work to end and boy is it killing me. The last time I checked the clock, it was 1708. After an eternity and reading yet another page of some online book that tells me how great leaders are great, I checked the clock and it was 1709. like seriously. I got distracted by CX and we had a nice conversation about where she was meeting Z and how she was meeting him etc, and when I looked at the clock, it was 1711. so I decided to try blogging at work which really isn’t blogging since I am essentially writing into word as I cant access blogger, msn, meebo, ebuddy and the whole list of online chat services available to mostly the rest of the world. I hate not being part of the rest of the world. I am not a rebel, i'm an accountant, how rebelious is that.

When I checked the time again, it was 1714. Am I ever going to be able to go home. I seriously doubt it and I think 1730 will never come about. It’s one of those things that you know is going to happen but you don’t know when it’s going to happen. Like when someone told me she’s going to make a million dollars, I looked and her and thought to myself, sure! It’s a matter of time, work for 100000 years and you’ll get 1 million dollars. A trader in London had a 50 million pound bonus. Some wise crack decided to go calculate how long it’ll take a bus driver to earn that amount and it’ll take a bus driver in London roughly 2000 years to earn what that dude earned in one year.

It is now 1718 and I’m still not packing up. It’s too damn early to pack up and it’s too damn late to start work. I really want to end this on a good note but I don’t want to end it after 1730. Now it’s a race against the clock. After I’m done with this verbal diarrhea, I have to save it and send it to my email account so I can access this document when I’m home and hopefully post it on my blog. But then it’s 1720 and time is running out. Knowing how biased I am, I’m sure I will find some way to end this before 1730. But then again, I might be wrong. The time now is 1720. I wrote 3 lines in less than one minute. How slow time passes.

I think I’ll call my senior tomorrow. Not because I want to talk to her. Not because I think she’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Not because I want to get closer to her. Not because I am hoping she’ll notice me. But because I am bored. I finished 2 books in the office today, make that a summary of 2 books today, I’m done with all my online learning that I am supposed to finish before the end of my internship. I have nothing to do and who better to ask for work from than someone who I am going to go back to work for in 1.5 weeks time. Yeap, I’m auditing the same company under her guidance for the finals. How exciting is that, maybe I’ll accidentally on purpose ( copyrights to by) get her msn. Maybe but probably not.

By thinks that channel 8 has infringed on her copyrights as the new channel 8 show has Felicia Chin staring as bao bao and has a business called xiao bao. The time now is 1725. CX just asked me what am I doing, she just announced to the whole world that I am blogging. Fantastic. Talk about rob-tle-ty. Hahaha. No offense there. It’s damn off to OFFend some one.

Okay, it took me roughly 2 minutes to make that lame joke. The time is 1726. and I’m going to shut down my laptop. Seeya tmr and wish me luck.


It’s funny how time seems to slow down and crawl at a ever slower pace when you want a certain time to arrive. Like I’m waiting for work to end and boy is it killing me. The last time I checked the clock, it was 1708. After an eternity and reading yet another page of some online book that tells me how great leaders are great, I checked the clock and it was 1709. like seriously. I got distracted by CX and we had a nice conversation about where she was meeting Z and how she was meeting him etc, and when I looked at the clock, it was 1711. so I decided to try blogging at work which really isn’t blogging since I am essentially writing into word as I cant access blogger, msn, meebo, ebuddy and the whole list of online chat services available to mostly the rest of the world. I hate not being part of the rest of the world. I am not a rebel, i'm an accountant, how rebelious is that.

When I checked the time again, it was 1714. Am I ever going to be able to go home. I seriously doubt it and I think 1730 will never come about. It’s one of those things that you know is going to happen but you don’t know when it’s going to happen. Like when someone told me she’s going to make a million dollars, I looked and her and thought to myself, sure! It’s a matter of time, work for 100000 years and you’ll get 1 million dollars. A trader in London had a 50 million pound bonus. Some wise crack decided to go calculate how long it’ll take a bus driver to earn that amount and it’ll take a bus driver in London roughly 2000 years to earn what that dude earned in one year.

It is now 1718 and I’m still not packing up. It’s too damn early to pack up and it’s too damn late to start work. I really want to end this on a good note but I don’t want to end it after 1730. Now it’s a race against the clock. After I’m done with this verbal diarrhea, I have to save it and send it to my email account so I can access this document when I’m home and hopefully post it on my blog. But then it’s 1720 and time is running out. Knowing how biased I am, I’m sure I will find some way to end this before 1730. But then again, I might be wrong. The time now is 1720. I wrote 3 lines in less than one minute. How slow time passes.

I think I’ll call my senior tomorrow. Not because I want to talk to her. Not because I think she’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Not because I want to get closer to her. Not because I am hoping she’ll notice me. But because I am bored. I finished 2 books in the office today, make that a summary of 2 books today, I’m done with all my online learning that I am supposed to finish before the end of my internship. I have nothing to do and who better to ask for work from than someone who I am going to go back to work for in 1.5 weeks time. Yeap, I’m auditing the same company under her guidance for the finals. How exciting is that, maybe I’ll accidentally on purpose ( copyrights to by) get her msn. Maybe but probably not.

By thinks that channel 8 has infringed on her copyrights as the new channel 8 show has Felicia Chin staring as bao bao and has a business called xiao bao. The time now is 1725. CX just asked me what am I doing, she just announced to the whole world that I am blogging. Fantastic. Talk about rob-tle-ty. Hahaha. No offense there. It’s damn off to OFFend some one.

Okay, it took me roughly 2 minutes to make that lame joke. The time is 1726. and I’m going to shut down my laptop. Seeya tmr and wish me luck.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

I cant believe

that my hp cannot spell the word exactly. what is wrong with my hp...

kk bought me a pair of sound proof ear phones, the kind that goes into your ear to block out external noise. and it knocks me out. music on my earphones never sounded so good. plus the fact that it can actually stay in both my ears. now i hope that my zen's able to configure the music volume by itself so i can actually hear music. my zen can only play music, loud music if u use creative earphones. but i'm hoping that there might be a minor miracle here...

i got a 30 dollar taka voucher from my beloved company... i wonder what or who i'll be spending it on. haha. hmmm. should i spend it on someone who might have bought something for me, or should i spend it on someone who has gotten me something, though not expensive but there's love there. or should i just spend it on myself and save myself the trouble. i wish i could "alloftheabove" it.

my boss is mother cute. seriously. she's like the cutest thing in my firm. and she uses a zen too. irock. iout.

my parents and i went to majestic hotel for dinner. when i got there, i was expecting to see red lanterns, dragons and a big wooden signboard with words in gold against a black back drop greet me. but no, it is a revamped botiquet hotel. and i could die. the restaurant is even better. fusion fair. the osyters, soft shell crabs, lobsters, king prawns and many more blew me fucking away. i could die just thinking about it again. one of these days, i'm going to take an osyter shell home with me.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

If you have an ice cube stuck down your throat, don’t panic. Just pour boiling water down your throat to get rid of the ice.

My mom seriously believes my dog can talk. When she asked me how I knew my uncle ate all the curry up, she added a “mon told u right?”

Every wondered how the name justina came about? One day, there was a baby gal called tina. Her father thought it was too plain and named her JUSTINA. And behold, there was justina.

I am a heroes fan. My name is hiro nakamura. I have a sword.

Save the cheer leader. Save the world.

Eragon is a show full of sexual connotations. I want to ride you. We can only be one when I am as strong as you. They say that when we are truly one, u can “fight” on my tail. She hasn’t gotten her fire yet. You’re not ready. And the list goes on…

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


at dinner yesterday, my friend's gf said," hey m, how come u look the same after ur lasik (however u spell it.) operation?"

and there was a stunned silence for about as long as 1 second before everyone burst out laughing.

at the same dinner, i was playing with kk's hp and dropped it a few times. like a 3 cm drop and i earned her rebuke....

me," i didnt drop ur phone!"

"u did loh. dun pretend."

"i REALLY didnt. u THOUGHT i did but i dropped my OWN hp."

"dun shit me. everytime u drop a 3g phone, the phone lights up."


i'm at internship now so the posts are a little slow in coming in. doesnt help that i cant access blogger or msn at my work place.not that it matters much anyway. no one really comes here.


till laters.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

By and i were driving past the new sports hub at novena when she said, "so cool. they have VI-VO-CITY and now they have VE-LO-CITY." velocity was not pronounced as velocity. it was pronouned like vivo city. like jelo city. change the j to v. VE - LO - CITY. sister to vivo city.

"no, it's velocity. speed. velocity..."

my mom insists on washing the skin of oranges before we take off the skin. because everyone touch the orange and it's vv dirty. but if we're not going to eat the skin. does it matter... or does it?

after her operation, my mom can only eat soft food. what ever that fucking means. so at lunch, she refused to eat anything and was eating chee kueh. when i said, how can u expect to recover if u just eat carbohydrates. and she says she can only eat soft meat. and i asked her to define soft meat. she said meat that is made soft. like fish or chicken. and chicken must mince then it's considered soft. if u dun mince the chicken. it's hard meat. REALLY. i took like the thigh and said, u chew this 100 times before u swollow and it's as good as minced.

REALLY. soft meat. what the fuck.

now she wants to me stay at home and be her maria. 2 days and i want to die. this one cannot eat that one cannot eat. and the best part. she doesnt tell me she cant eat it till AFTER i cook it. REALLY.
