I am currently sitting inside the office of a car workshop not so patiently awaiting the return of my car to me. A car that had an accident while I was overseas in Thailand, Bangkok to be more precise. That was not due to my reckless driving ways. This fact cannot be more apparent due to the nature of my absence. My mom on the other hand was the number one suspect since she was using the car way more than I was while I was overseas and she was adamant about not being the one who had the accident.
It was only last night when my sister came home for dinner that I realized that she was the one who had the accident. And of all cars to hit, she had to hit the one car in the whole damn world that I did not want her to hit. Now, I am paying for the repairs, god knows how much that is going to cost, plus I’m stuck at the workshop waiting for my car which they had told me would be ready “after lunch”. Apparently lunch does not end at 1. neither does it end at 2. but rather, it ends at 3 and I’ve got a nagging feeling that I’ll be stuck here till 4.
I’m going pulau ubin tomorrow. Gosh am I excited. I can’t wait to ride my bike there. Granted it’s been more than 10 years since I’ve ridden her. Her name is Pegasus II. The sentimental side of me which was so much more apparent 10 years ago gave her that name after I gave up Pegasus, now known as Pegasus I. I’ve just sent my bike for full servicing and was shocked to hear that it would cost me only $30-$40 to completely bring her back up to fighting fit. Hopefully she passes her FFI. J
It’s been a real long time since I’ve ridden a bicycle. Motorbikes do not count. And I’ve concluded, the basics of riding a bicycle and a motorbike are essentially the same. However, dynamics cannot be more different.
It’s similar to sashimi and steamed fish. They’re both fish, they both require a lot of skill and effort but yet by nature, they are inherently different. And after riding a motorbike, I’m neither as daring nor as reckless when riding a bike. Simply due to the fact that I feel naked without the sheer weight of the machine holding me to the ground. The bicycle now feels flimsy and light compared to a motorbike, this feeling is made worst without the muscle that I’ve grown so accustomed to in a motorbike.
Oh woe is me.
It’s really funny how the boss is trying to talk to me. It’s not only the fact that we live in 2 different eras, plus that fact that we come from 2 very different backgrounds. It probably explains why I can’t really get along with my dad and my uncle. We’re just so different. And it probably explains why the 3 of them are such bosom buddies. Though as far as bosom buddies go, I’m sure I’m not getting a discount on the repairs that I am doing, neither do I believe that they are not going to make a handsome profit out of the repairs I’m doing. This sucks.
Btw, the boss has been to jail for cheating. Cheating NTUC who if you ask my honest opinion is the biggest cheater of them all. For starters, to my knowledge, they’ve been waging a war to wipe out all private car workshops. First, they started by insisting that all cars insured by them would have to go to their certified workshops for repairs. The only exception is that if you were completely blameless, then you could go to a workshop of your choosing. For the less well informed, everytime there is an accident, the new rules apply. That means that all parties involved in the accident must now come out of their vehicles, write some stupid joint statement thing that describes how the accident happens and who is at fault.
Fundamentally I believe it is just wrong. Imagine if you had an accident on the expressway and both of you were happily filling in the joint statement form and from behind a car comes up and smashes into you.
Plus the fact that no one is going to happily fill in a form that says he is at fault and thus, causing the accident.
Talking to the owner is an eye opener, he was telling me stories of how people driving without valid licenses have changed drivers. Offering a small nominal sum of anything of $1000 - $3000 not including paying for the damage to your car. How drunk drivers pay more than that to ensure that you do not report him to the police. Boy is this world shady or is it just me.
Now I’m wondering why has no one offered to pay me. If I had 1 accident a week which I made $2000 on the average, I could be a very wealthy man. and that is just a sideline.