This is the second coming of the return of the rise of the revivial of the resurrection of the... Okay, you should be getting the drift by now.

Friday, June 30, 2006

The New Jedi Order

for the star wars and closet star wars fans out there. the new jedi order is a must read. it's simply amazing how they can win every battle and still lose the war. at least till where i've read till. it is obviously no suprise that they end up winning the war... i mean with luke sky fucker and leia orgasm solo along with han fuck-me-solo. they simply cannot lose. plus the series has actually ended and i'm doing some major catching up.

chewbacca ends up dying. how apt that no blaster shot killed him.

no tie fighter pilot blows him outta the sky.

no foiled assination attempt took him out.

rather he got killed when a planet landed on top of him.

a moon to be precise landed on top of him. how dramatic.

they couldnt just let him die of old age like they did arutha (serpent war saga). no, they had to kill him while he was saving han fuck-me-solo's youngest son anakin.

yeah they had kids. 3 of them, 2 twins (duh... that's why they're called twins) and 1 more after that. cool huh. and all of them are swash buckling, evil killing, doing gooders jedi knights. one is a mytic jedi who thinks too much for his own good. the other is the "sword of the jedi". amazing how she is called the sword of the jedi when the jedi do not use swords, she should he called the light sabre of the jedi. while the youngest one is well... dead. he died killing one of the most dangerous threats to the jedi order. amazing. everything that attacks them are considered "the most dire threat that the jedi has faced to date!"

don't they remember that they almost lost their entire order to darth vader (damn fucker) ...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


A tall well built woman with a good
reputation. Who can cook frog
legs. who appreciates a good fuc-
schia garden, classical music and tal-
king without getting too serious.
but please, read only lines 1,3 and 5.


A tall well built woman with a good
reputation. Who can cook frog
legs. who appreciates a good fuc-
schia garden, classical music and tal-
king without getting too serious.
but please, read only lines 1,3 and 5.

Monday, June 26, 2006

World Cup

Was watching soccer the KK the other day and i was wondering, if dead people go to the netherworld. then why is holland called the netherlands?

I was talking to Y the other day when she said ," hey! look that that malay man. wear till so smart, i bet he's doing very well." (she's a mina)

i looked at him and saw a really nice merc beside him. i told her that he probably drives the merc and the merc probably wasnt his.

she glared at me and said," yah lah! u chinese all very smart lah!"

he got a phone call and drove off in the merc 3 mins later, only to make a u-turn into the pick up point of fullerton hotel....

for all those watching the world cup on the world cup channel, look out for the audio sale advert if i'm not wrong. "branded 32 inch lcd only $999!" in the most uncouth, ah beng and singlish way possible. followed by a," all this could be yours for free! yes ZERO DOLLAR!" zero dollar... doesnt he know it's zero dollarS?

the world cup has brought about a winning eleven craze. among some of my friends at least. and i must say, it's pretty fun when i'm playing with the lousy group. and not so fun when i'm up against the champs...

munchkins, bridge and some other card game called excuses... mentally stimulating but no where near the kick when there's $70 dollars in the pot and 3 dicks fighting for it.

i heard from a friend who heard from a friend that people in RI are so bored of seeing who can top a test since everyone can top the test, they decided to see who can get high on E and still top the test. the fallacy of having a superior intellect, you probably get so bored u start finding better ways to entertain yourself.

BY got so bored watching brazil play, she ended up watching bleach on my zen neeon M.

i've been having dreams of the BIG C. and that is weird cause i never dream of her. except when something's gonna happen...

there's a ltb dinner going on and i can already guess who's going and who's not going to go and why the people who are not expected to go are still being told about it but i guess being politically right is all about inviting everyone. even when u know it's for formalities sake.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

In a bitter mood

it's just so unfair, all that "connection" helping people get their internships. besides the fact of getting there on ur own merit. which few people actually do, everyone else does it by contacts. and just my luck my parents have contacts... in the wrong field.

i know of an arts major doing an internship at kpmg corporate finance. and all he did was tell his parents that he wanted an internship. and that was just one of the many choices he had.

i know of a b-, c+ student who got into layman brothers as a trader just because her dad knew someone there.

i know of someone who's interning at my present company, gets paid $1,500 just because his aunt works there.

why did my dad have to be in the engineering field...

Friday, June 09, 2006

I have

i have a new mp3 player. a new zen vision m. and i do not care whether the ipod's better or the zen sucks cause my experience with past zens has been nothing but fulfilling. plus my picture quality IS better and that matters more than a lot of other things.

i have a new wardrobe. it's pretty cool, design wise. 3 hanger racks which i've filled up. except for the pants rack... i've thrown away so many things in my room that now when i look back at what i have collected physically over the past 23 years doesnt amount to nothing much. i have books almost all of them fantasty or star wars or battle tech related. i have or had the entire micro machines star wars vehicle collection. that was until they decided to launch episodes 1,2 and 3. now i have about half the entire vehicle collection... i have a macross vs 1s veritech fighter. the millineum falcon. a whole host of battle tech cards with the last 2 functional decks being clan wolf and clan jade falcon. tons of cds with even more cd cases. empty cd cases.

i have a relic of a hi fi system that i was so proud of when i was 13. now i'm using my sister's hi fi system which is 1/10 the size and i cant throw away the relic cause my parents think that one shouldnt throw away something just because he has no more need for it. i call it the generation gap.

but here in lies a problem and one that i cant seem to solve. as mentioned above, one can roughly guess that to define no need for an item is hard. and even when an item is spoilt, redundant or obselete, one might find some unfamthomable need for it in the future. thus, my parents have the resumes of people dated back to the 1980s. i have paper clips that are so old, the boxes are yellow and rotted. i have printing paper. the super old school ones with holes at the side so the printer can "bite" the paper properly. and as for the "new" printing paper that i have, it's so "new" that it jams every printer that eats it...

the problem here is that for every cubic centimetre that i clear, my parents undoubtable have another 10 cubic metres of junk to fill it up. thus, output < lesser than input and i find myself fighting a losing battle to clear my room.

during the out process which was delayed by 2 hrs... one man walked to the chief clerk (a woman AGAIN) and said, " SAF can spend all the money to upgrade their equipment but with stupid, idiotic and lazy people running it, the best systems will be rendered ineffective."

the lady stared at him and said ," what are you trying to say?"

he glared back and said, " would you rather me tell u off here or send in an email."

the power of the reservists and a softer army.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


nä says:
why do you call your gf by
nä says:
what is it
Puff - support local industries! says:
Puff - support local industries! says:
short form by
Puff - support local industries! says:
nä says:
Puff - support local industries! says:
nä says:
you know what i thought???
Puff - support local industries! says:
Puff - support local industries! says:
nä says:
i thought you call her sth mushy like baby... but canot post baby so you shorten to by
nä says:
nä says:
make my hair stand

next thing is, do i look like the mushy sort...

Sunday, June 04, 2006


reservist was much better than i thought it would be. seriously. but meeting old friends was good. talking to my men was even better, the line that seperated us during our active days has long passed, replacing it with a odd sense of comaradarie.

talking to the old men of my company provides to much fun. when i 1st entered my unit we used to wonder who painted those pictures on the walls. the stupid slogans sprawled all over the corridors and the motto, " the only easy day was yesterday" how apt that was during my BRC days. as well as acroynms such as BRC - brigade rubbish collectors, brigade regular clowns. and finally meeting the men who did those things just placed things into perspective. men who knew exactly what i had been through and more, as they had been through worst things before the army started turning more relaxed.

i just i was pretty lucky to have these old men in the company. if they weren't inside, i would probably be in for worst things. as it is, the only bad thing so far is the fact that i have to book in 2 hrs earlier as they decided that the warning order was to be at 9 pm and all team commanders had to be there.. fuck. but then again, it would not be too fair to get the whole damn team down when only the team commanders have to be present for the warning order.

had my 1st navigation exercise on a saturday of all days. and of course everyone wanted to complete it as soon as possible since we'll all be booking out after the exercise. i must say i've exceeded my expectations by being the 1st team to return. it wasnt because i was fitter than the rest, or walked faster, or had easier checkpoints. i was just luckier.

and better.

but it was satisfying to shut my men's trap shut after days of friendly bantering about how he didnt want to get lost out field and how he had dimishing faith in my navigational abilities and how much weight i had gained.

i failed my ippt test. cause i could do enough pull ups. i said it was because i strained my shoulders while doing gym. they said i was too heavy. i refused to talk to them afterwards.

my officer seems like a nice guy. he worked at aa then to ey and apparently he knew my sister. talk about coincidence. he was nicer to me after that. talking to them older guys opened my eyes and it was pretty cool. i can imagine myself in their shoes 6 years from now. cool.

it's funny how they always say no nsmen has ever failed anything that they conduct in-camp. i think it's because they pass us no matter what. if fall in timing is at 7 am. someone will start shouting fall in at 715. and everyone will be there at 745.


i get to stay out every night but it's just too damn far and too damn heavy on my petrol tank.

i bought a zen video m. i believe m stands for mobile. but i dunno. and i dun care. i bought it more on impulse but then again, i was going to buy either a ipod or zen. it was just a matter of time. by just dragged me to a comp fair where apple just didnt show up. i think they believed themselves above fairs, by thought that they didnt need fairs. i think we meant the same thing but from different point of views.

one of the reason i bought a zen was that when i blogged about it, it would be faster as i would go a zen video not an ipod. see. a versus an. faster, therefore easier.

being stand in platoon sergeant sucks. accounting for strenght etc etc. and when counting the number of people boarding a tonner, u cant or wun expect the ps to board the tonner in order to book the choice seats for himself. but i was touched and shocked when i was the last to board the tonner after a mission and this old man actually gave up his seat citing that i was of a higher rank and that i was more tired than him... i swear he was above thirty but all his friends made me seat down. i could die.

had lunch as some sushi place that was amazing. fish that melted in your mouth. it was free. courtesy of by's mom.
