This is the second coming of the return of the rise of the revivial of the resurrection of the... Okay, you should be getting the drift by now.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

What are they thinking!

What are they thinking, they left me, an intern with less than 1 weeks’ worth of experience in an office. Alone. And the expect me to know what to do. It would probably be a lot better if my senior had told me what to do properly. Instead, she left me some instructions which essentially is this, “here, this is what you need to do. Read it and do it.” But I dun fucking get it. I am lost, like almost totally, I spent the last hour doing some shit that I don’t even know if it’s right or wrong. The staff here know that I’m new and are trying their best to tell me that I do not need anything. With nothing, what am I supposed to do. Suck my cock for the next 5 hours? Provided I leave on time that is.

And that fucking senior of mine is amazing, yesterday when I was doing my work, I asked her what needed to be recorded and she didn’t mention anything about a delievery order. And today she’s like, errr, I think you need to record down all the delievery order numbers… I was astounded. I told her that I asked her about it yesterday and she didn’t mention anything. And I even double checked and she said there wasn’t a need to and now you’re asking me to get it for you? I died when going through 40 files to fill up those blanks and you will be damned if you expect me to do it again because you forgot to tell me to. I swear, if you try to ask me to do it again, rest assured, tomorrow, I will be on medical leave. Working is one thing, working for imbeciles is quite frankly another. Wait, you’re not even a senior.

Why can’t I get the cutest thing on earth senior like I did for the last job… Now I’m really looking forward to going back under her again. I am seriously getting peeved.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A bitter taste in my mouth because of many things and i wonder if i've already been relagated.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


It’s funny how time seems to slow down and crawl at a ever slower pace when you want a certain time to arrive. Like I’m waiting for work to end and boy is it killing me. The last time I checked the clock, it was 1708. After an eternity and reading yet another page of some online book that tells me how great leaders are great, I checked the clock and it was 1709. like seriously. I got distracted by CX and we had a nice conversation about where she was meeting Z and how she was meeting him etc, and when I looked at the clock, it was 1711. so I decided to try blogging at work which really isn’t blogging since I am essentially writing into word as I cant access blogger, msn, meebo, ebuddy and the whole list of online chat services available to mostly the rest of the world. I hate not being part of the rest of the world. I am not a rebel, i'm an accountant, how rebelious is that.

When I checked the time again, it was 1714. Am I ever going to be able to go home. I seriously doubt it and I think 1730 will never come about. It’s one of those things that you know is going to happen but you don’t know when it’s going to happen. Like when someone told me she’s going to make a million dollars, I looked and her and thought to myself, sure! It’s a matter of time, work for 100000 years and you’ll get 1 million dollars. A trader in London had a 50 million pound bonus. Some wise crack decided to go calculate how long it’ll take a bus driver to earn that amount and it’ll take a bus driver in London roughly 2000 years to earn what that dude earned in one year.

It is now 1718 and I’m still not packing up. It’s too damn early to pack up and it’s too damn late to start work. I really want to end this on a good note but I don’t want to end it after 1730. Now it’s a race against the clock. After I’m done with this verbal diarrhea, I have to save it and send it to my email account so I can access this document when I’m home and hopefully post it on my blog. But then it’s 1720 and time is running out. Knowing how biased I am, I’m sure I will find some way to end this before 1730. But then again, I might be wrong. The time now is 1720. I wrote 3 lines in less than one minute. How slow time passes.

I think I’ll call my senior tomorrow. Not because I want to talk to her. Not because I think she’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Not because I want to get closer to her. Not because I am hoping she’ll notice me. But because I am bored. I finished 2 books in the office today, make that a summary of 2 books today, I’m done with all my online learning that I am supposed to finish before the end of my internship. I have nothing to do and who better to ask for work from than someone who I am going to go back to work for in 1.5 weeks time. Yeap, I’m auditing the same company under her guidance for the finals. How exciting is that, maybe I’ll accidentally on purpose ( copyrights to by) get her msn. Maybe but probably not.

By thinks that channel 8 has infringed on her copyrights as the new channel 8 show has Felicia Chin staring as bao bao and has a business called xiao bao. The time now is 1725. CX just asked me what am I doing, she just announced to the whole world that I am blogging. Fantastic. Talk about rob-tle-ty. Hahaha. No offense there. It’s damn off to OFFend some one.

Okay, it took me roughly 2 minutes to make that lame joke. The time is 1726. and I’m going to shut down my laptop. Seeya tmr and wish me luck.


It’s funny how time seems to slow down and crawl at a ever slower pace when you want a certain time to arrive. Like I’m waiting for work to end and boy is it killing me. The last time I checked the clock, it was 1708. After an eternity and reading yet another page of some online book that tells me how great leaders are great, I checked the clock and it was 1709. like seriously. I got distracted by CX and we had a nice conversation about where she was meeting Z and how she was meeting him etc, and when I looked at the clock, it was 1711. so I decided to try blogging at work which really isn’t blogging since I am essentially writing into word as I cant access blogger, msn, meebo, ebuddy and the whole list of online chat services available to mostly the rest of the world. I hate not being part of the rest of the world. I am not a rebel, i'm an accountant, how rebelious is that.

When I checked the time again, it was 1714. Am I ever going to be able to go home. I seriously doubt it and I think 1730 will never come about. It’s one of those things that you know is going to happen but you don’t know when it’s going to happen. Like when someone told me she’s going to make a million dollars, I looked and her and thought to myself, sure! It’s a matter of time, work for 100000 years and you’ll get 1 million dollars. A trader in London had a 50 million pound bonus. Some wise crack decided to go calculate how long it’ll take a bus driver to earn that amount and it’ll take a bus driver in London roughly 2000 years to earn what that dude earned in one year.

It is now 1718 and I’m still not packing up. It’s too damn early to pack up and it’s too damn late to start work. I really want to end this on a good note but I don’t want to end it after 1730. Now it’s a race against the clock. After I’m done with this verbal diarrhea, I have to save it and send it to my email account so I can access this document when I’m home and hopefully post it on my blog. But then it’s 1720 and time is running out. Knowing how biased I am, I’m sure I will find some way to end this before 1730. But then again, I might be wrong. The time now is 1720. I wrote 3 lines in less than one minute. How slow time passes.

I think I’ll call my senior tomorrow. Not because I want to talk to her. Not because I think she’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Not because I want to get closer to her. Not because I am hoping she’ll notice me. But because I am bored. I finished 2 books in the office today, make that a summary of 2 books today, I’m done with all my online learning that I am supposed to finish before the end of my internship. I have nothing to do and who better to ask for work from than someone who I am going to go back to work for in 1.5 weeks time. Yeap, I’m auditing the same company under her guidance for the finals. How exciting is that, maybe I’ll accidentally on purpose ( copyrights to by) get her msn. Maybe but probably not.

By thinks that channel 8 has infringed on her copyrights as the new channel 8 show has Felicia Chin staring as bao bao and has a business called xiao bao. The time now is 1725. CX just asked me what am I doing, she just announced to the whole world that I am blogging. Fantastic. Talk about rob-tle-ty. Hahaha. No offense there. It’s damn off to OFFend some one.

Okay, it took me roughly 2 minutes to make that lame joke. The time is 1726. and I’m going to shut down my laptop. Seeya tmr and wish me luck.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

I cant believe

that my hp cannot spell the word exactly. what is wrong with my hp...

kk bought me a pair of sound proof ear phones, the kind that goes into your ear to block out external noise. and it knocks me out. music on my earphones never sounded so good. plus the fact that it can actually stay in both my ears. now i hope that my zen's able to configure the music volume by itself so i can actually hear music. my zen can only play music, loud music if u use creative earphones. but i'm hoping that there might be a minor miracle here...

i got a 30 dollar taka voucher from my beloved company... i wonder what or who i'll be spending it on. haha. hmmm. should i spend it on someone who might have bought something for me, or should i spend it on someone who has gotten me something, though not expensive but there's love there. or should i just spend it on myself and save myself the trouble. i wish i could "alloftheabove" it.

my boss is mother cute. seriously. she's like the cutest thing in my firm. and she uses a zen too. irock. iout.

my parents and i went to majestic hotel for dinner. when i got there, i was expecting to see red lanterns, dragons and a big wooden signboard with words in gold against a black back drop greet me. but no, it is a revamped botiquet hotel. and i could die. the restaurant is even better. fusion fair. the osyters, soft shell crabs, lobsters, king prawns and many more blew me fucking away. i could die just thinking about it again. one of these days, i'm going to take an osyter shell home with me.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

If you have an ice cube stuck down your throat, don’t panic. Just pour boiling water down your throat to get rid of the ice.

My mom seriously believes my dog can talk. When she asked me how I knew my uncle ate all the curry up, she added a “mon told u right?”

Every wondered how the name justina came about? One day, there was a baby gal called tina. Her father thought it was too plain and named her JUSTINA. And behold, there was justina.

I am a heroes fan. My name is hiro nakamura. I have a sword.

Save the cheer leader. Save the world.

Eragon is a show full of sexual connotations. I want to ride you. We can only be one when I am as strong as you. They say that when we are truly one, u can “fight” on my tail. She hasn’t gotten her fire yet. You’re not ready. And the list goes on…

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


at dinner yesterday, my friend's gf said," hey m, how come u look the same after ur lasik (however u spell it.) operation?"

and there was a stunned silence for about as long as 1 second before everyone burst out laughing.

at the same dinner, i was playing with kk's hp and dropped it a few times. like a 3 cm drop and i earned her rebuke....

me," i didnt drop ur phone!"

"u did loh. dun pretend."

"i REALLY didnt. u THOUGHT i did but i dropped my OWN hp."

"dun shit me. everytime u drop a 3g phone, the phone lights up."


i'm at internship now so the posts are a little slow in coming in. doesnt help that i cant access blogger or msn at my work place.not that it matters much anyway. no one really comes here.


till laters.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

By and i were driving past the new sports hub at novena when she said, "so cool. they have VI-VO-CITY and now they have VE-LO-CITY." velocity was not pronounced as velocity. it was pronouned like vivo city. like jelo city. change the j to v. VE - LO - CITY. sister to vivo city.

"no, it's velocity. speed. velocity..."

my mom insists on washing the skin of oranges before we take off the skin. because everyone touch the orange and it's vv dirty. but if we're not going to eat the skin. does it matter... or does it?

after her operation, my mom can only eat soft food. what ever that fucking means. so at lunch, she refused to eat anything and was eating chee kueh. when i said, how can u expect to recover if u just eat carbohydrates. and she says she can only eat soft meat. and i asked her to define soft meat. she said meat that is made soft. like fish or chicken. and chicken must mince then it's considered soft. if u dun mince the chicken. it's hard meat. REALLY. i took like the thigh and said, u chew this 100 times before u swollow and it's as good as minced.

REALLY. soft meat. what the fuck.

now she wants to me stay at home and be her maria. 2 days and i want to die. this one cannot eat that one cannot eat. and the best part. she doesnt tell me she cant eat it till AFTER i cook it. REALLY.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


i'm sitting in my room wondering WHAT THE FUCK AM I TO STUDY FOR ETHICS. nothing seems to be making sense. i know how the arguments work. i kinda know how to structure them but what is a norm? is it different from the rule? what is the categorical imperative? or i need to formulate a rule for act utilitarian or do i just need it for rule utilitarian? the veil of ignorance is easy. so is rule i hope. but what the fuck is catergorical imperative. it is imperative i do reasonably well for this exam. this is why i like law. it's structured but not overly so. not like accounting where it's soooo structured one can hardly breathe.

oh, after taking the papers. i very sure i will pass afa. like cock sure. i'm pretty sure i would get an a for ipr. it's just what kinda a is it. for tax planning. i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope that my class participation is somehow very good. and for ethics, i'm pretty much dead. not only do i not know what to do for it. i don't want to study anymore. what kinda exam gives 4 essay questions that are answerable in point form... and to top it off. the last question HAS to be answered in point form. what the fuck. it's some kinda joke right...? apparently not. dammit. i hate ethics.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006

in preparation for the rugby BBQ, a rugger who's frequently rumoured to be gay designed a mailer.

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and this was the response he got.

This is damn gay la. its a BBQ, not a garden party. but then again. i'm not surprised.

Fly to the flame little moth

from the horse's mouth " i was always the butterfly and you were always the moth. fly to the flame little moth,"


i'm lovin it!

and in KK's words, "fly to the flame, "little" moth."
when i was thinking of the song, so and so sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. i couldn't help but think of a new rhyme, fat boy and fat girl sitting on a tree. B-R-E-A-K.


it is sooooo funny.

school fees per annum : $6000
price of going to school every month : $300
the look of shock when you see the exam paper : PRICELESS

there are somethings that money can't buy. for everything else, there's cheetsheet.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A conversation between the creator of my blog and me.

me, hey, how come the tag board doesn't refresh automatically. sucks lah...

KK, ..................... i disabled the automatic refresh function.........

me, ..................................................................................................................... then people tend to post the same thing twice.

KK, because it makes a really irritating click sound when i click on it............ and people should be smarter than that.

me, ......................................................................................................................

KK, fine. go change it urself.

me, .......................................................................................................................

and this is the creator of my new skin

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Monday, November 20, 2006


kk was showing me how to get to her boss's house and then i told her to go to streetdirectory and send me the map... she sent me this.

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" can u dun be an idiot and highlight the road..."

"i highlight easier for u to see mah."

"and how am i to know what road i'm supposed to be on?"


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Msn Nicks

I read my friend’s nick and I thought his was really funny. It went “each of us has a choice. I choose his way.” And I could not for the love of god stop thinking about the show pokemon…

In the end I changed my msn nick to “each of us has a choice. Squirtle, I chose you!”

And I’m laughing like a mad hyena. Hopefully he doesn’t think that I’m making fun of him.

My friend’s nick read “what do u call pple who are CMI and yet thinks it others that CMI?”

It just sounds funny. It sounds like one of the many law books that I’ve been reading. What’s up with the negatives vibes. CMI THEN CMI LAR. Aahaha

Another reads “when all is said and done, love and the whether are 2 elements that one can never be sure of.”

I’m not sure weather he means whether or weather. AHAHAHAHA. And for the weather, at least we have meteorologists.

There’s this other one, it goes “u only hurt me further when u give me false hope and destroy it with your bare hands.”

And I say, isn’t it obvious. False hope is just false. And I’m pretty sure the other party knows that he/she is hurting u more by giving u false hope and then destroying it….

And then there’s the “mandatory laptop betrayal”

You poor thing.

And people actually “get high on peanut butter”

I wonder what else gets u high… soyabean milk perhaps…

Monday, November 13, 2006


it feels good to win a circle of equals. Quaiff Homer? or should i say, FREEBIRTH HOMER.

i hear an aff.


GLOATING is the ultimate expression of victory. fuck u all who talk about humility and how it goes one full circle. i've tasted my own share of victories that makes one go light headed and 1 defeat which crushed me terribly. and i tell u, gloat while you can cause when ur down and out. u can be sure the ass who cleaned you out is going to laugh at you till the cows come home.


why do people take a copy of today and the the free chinese paper "my paper"? are they trying to say they're bilingual? are they trying to say that they are so free that they are able to read both in the course of 1 day? or are they simply fucking retarded and get both for the sakeof getting both. i've seen people carry both and then stand there on a train doing i dunno what. why take 2 if ur not going to read both or one of them? it just doesnt make sense.

there's this gal in class who's taken a liking to emailing me. it's bloody annoying cause ur not pretty and i'm not interested in you. seriously. which part of i'm not interested in you because ur not pretty do you not seem to get. i am not interested in getting to know you better and you should have gotten the idea by now. just because u see me hanging out with guys all the time in class doesnt mean that i'm single. and even if i were, u would not stand a chance cause i know i can get better. i've gotten better and i will get better.

don't come and ask me things like "hello. i need your advise over the application of an internship" do i look like an intern guru to you? do i own an intern sourcing company? or better, have you ever heard of the office of career services? maybe you should just get on the right track - get ontrac. cause i sure as hell do not care where you go. and really. asking me why i choose dt over kpmg is like asking a horse why it would rather be pulling a plough than being a race horse. what kinda answer are u expecting or do u expect? maybe ur trying to "get to know me better" but seriously. when you have to sign off an email saying i'm your ft group mate. it really does tell a lot doesnt it. and frankly, even when u said who u were, i couldn't for the love of god remember who you are.

so you want an answer? i choose dt cause there were fewer alphabets in it's acroynm than kpmg. another reason is that i prefer to say a name in english than one in german. lastly, i choose dt because i did not choose kpmg. hope that answers your question.


Biggest Baddest Bastard.

why did i turn down a lift from my dad to come to school.... 1, maybe it was because my mom forced him to fetch me to school. 2, you've never offered to send me to school and you bitch about having to pick me up when you do even though your company is like a 10 mins drive away. 3, i just didnt want to be alone in a car with you cause i have nothing to say to you and i hate to make small talk. 4, i love you and i hate it that i have nothing to say to you. so perhaps by making my own way i'm able to forget that i do not know you.

Galaxy Commander Ser Puff Ward, Harbringer of Light, Herald of the Angels and Doom to the Minions of Evil

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

Wy Wy

My friend’s dog died today, apparently from uterus infection, which sent her into shock. They only found her at 4 in the morning, lying on the floor staring into them with wet eyes. She was unable to move but she did manage to stare blankly with wet eyes. They then took her to A&E where she died after an operation.

After my friend told me I was wondering what do we want pets. I have a dog and I know that half its life is already gone and now we’re waiting for her to die. I love her and she never fails to bring a smile to my face, greet me enthusiastically, pester me to bring her for walks and sit beside me when I’m sad. But I know she’s going to die soon and I don’t know how well I’m going to take it. And now comes the question, why did I want her in the 1st place knowing that she’ll die sooner than me…

I guess we shouldn’t look at it from a “waiting for her to die” mentality but we should have a Crap Diem mentality yeah? But that doesn’t hurt the pain any less when she does.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


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SERIOUSLY... haha, i'm the dua bicep guy...

I brought my cousin to buy a drink

and he say the “used by” label… He then asked me, why is it used by 10/10/07 when I was the one who drank it.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


seriously, dunno what it means? write it out....

and only people who have ID TEN T ERRORS write like this.

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Friday, October 27, 2006


an innocent comment like "lian's songs are pretty good huh?"

got me a reply," so-so only lar"

"but u like the magnet one and the goldfish one was hers too..."

"yah, EVERYONE IS BETTER THAN ME. *sulks and faces the wall*"

omg. like what did i say now....


fucking please pull your own weight in the course of a project.

nothing sucks as much as having people not pull their own weight in projects and the thing that makes it worst is when those mother fuckers are your friends. or as far as i would stretch the word friend. some people never made it past the threshold and some barely. but almost everyone would hear me call them friend, friend or not. at least i dun go 1 step further and call u brother when i don't mean it. brothers are reserved for brothers. people would not only will be there but have been there more importantly. promises and assurances i've received and given aplenty. but the word brother is reserved for a select and miserable few.

at the end of this sem i've decided never to do projects with x people in x project groups. and if u think it's u, it's probably you.

cause if it's not you, you probably would not think it's you. but u have a pretty good idea who it is.

I didn't say he stole my money

I love the lessons during tax planning. You learn so much more than what you could possibly hope to learn. This I would always remember. At least for the next month or so… how 7 words could have so many different meanings.

I didn’t say he stole my money.

I didn’t say HE stole my money. (someone else did)

I DIDN’T say he stole my money.
( someone else said it)

I didn’t say he STOLE my money
(I lent it to him)

I didn’t say he stole MY money
(he stole somebody else’s money)

I didn’t say he stole my MONEY
(he stole something else)

Isn’t it magical how one sentence could have so many meanings….

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I'm losing it.

as i get older, i feel more and more out of touch. i'm just a tad too unhappening and it doesnt help that i'm starting to surround myself with people that's just about as unhappening as me.

is it fashionable to say hi with the peace sign? i think it is the peave sign. during my time, it was called the v- for - victory sign. the one with your whole fist clenched and facing outwards. with ur index and middle finger extended in the shape of a V. never mind what it's called. i always thought it uncool and lame. and relegated it to what anime characters do in order to express a point.

but today, from afar i met a friend and gave him the upper head nod of acknowledgement. and he looked at me and gave me the peace sign.

and i grew a little older. being able to understand what my parents must be feeling when they used to see me wear pants 3 sizes too large to school...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Act Ang Moh

this was taken from KK's blog,

Now and Forever

Now and forever, you are a part of me
And the memory cuts like a knife
Didn't we find the ecstasy, didn't we share the daylight
When you walked into my life

Now and forever, I'll remember
All the promises still unbroken
And think about all the words between us
That never needed to be spoken

We had a moment, just one moment
That will last beyond a dream, beyond a lifetime
We are the lucky ones
Some people never get to do all we got to do
Now and forever, I will always think of you

Didn't we come together, didn't we live together
Didn't we cry together
Didn't we play together, didn't we love together
And together we lit up the world

I miss the tears, I miss the laughter
I miss the day we met and all that followed after
Sometimes I wish I could always be with you
The way we used to do
Now and forever, I will always think of you
Now and forever, I will always be with you

- by Carole King

I remember the first time i heard this song, during the 5th grade.

UH HUH, in the 5th grade. REALLY, 5th grade.....
as if u had EVER been in the 5th grade....

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


due to a lack of funding from the uber rich school who has set aside tons of money for the developement of their students, we've decided to source our own sponsor ( a fellow student who's uber rich...)

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Monday, October 23, 2006

You know there's something wrong with you when...

1. you start to think your friend's sister is getting more and more attractive.
2. it doesnt help that she's attached.
3. you start to cry.
4. you get upset when your friend who you think is your gf but she doesnt think she's your gf doesnt want to go watch your soccer game.
5. it doesnt help that she doesnt watch soccer.

you know there's something really wrong when u add up the above. ie, all of the above.

Funny Quotes

found this site when i was stumbling and it's really, really funny.

Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
It's your god. They're your rules. *You* go to hell.
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.
If pro is opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?
I once prayed to god for a bike, but quickly found out he didnt work that I stole a bike and prayed for his forgiveness
Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them.
If you think things can't get worse it's probably only because you lack sufficient imagination.
A train station is where the train stops. A bus station is where the bus stops. On my desk, I have a work station...
You can't be late until you show up.
Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up.
My god carries a hammer. Your god died nailed to a tree. Any questions?
Knowledge is realizing that the street is one-way, wisdom is looking both directions anyway
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.
A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
Advice for the day: If you have a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: Take two, and KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
books have knowledge, knowledge is power, power corrupts, corruption is a crime, and crime doesn't if you keep reading, you'll go broke

Sunday, October 22, 2006


my new name is

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adrian atom ant.

how cool is that. just call me triple A.

and because i'm not triple A.

i'm too cool for AFA.

and while in a gsr doing work, dk asks me, "how do u say bo bian in english?"

Saturday, October 21, 2006


in a moment of boredom, i shooke the table while looking at by and proudly shouted," EARTHQUAKE!"

she then took the spoon, placed it into my himalayan tea latte, started stirring and proclaimed, " TORNADO!"

and i went, " u mean whirpool....."

a friend was telling me that another friend of mine wants to play board games and he was pressing her to play when he dropped the bombshell.

u go organise then let me know.

upon hearing that i concluded that what my other friend is doing is akin to shitting and then asking my friend to wipe his ass.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

nothing gets me feeling down and fucked up like AFA can. at least i've gotten my internship.

and i'm really wondering who reads this piece of shit now a days... i've got wind that an someone who i would never have thought read my blog reads this. and while i might have posted something offensive, i've mediated it and hopefully it doesn't look as bad now. dammit. i should change to livejournal or xanga or something like that. someone give me a program that will give me the home address of anyone who visits my blog please.

ta ma de

i love telling people to move the fuck in, when i'm trying to get on a crowded train. there's just something about the door that somehow attracts people to it. rather than move in and create space for themselves and the rest, they're somehow very happy squeezing in the front what bastards.

and i just love looking at their fuck faces and shouting, " can you move the fuck in?" and seeing their reaction, ranging from outrage to indifference to shock gives me my kick of the day.

i fell alseep for 3o mins and in that time, i've heard my doorbell ring, which i couldnt be bothered to answer. and there was no one else at home. so... too bad. i told myself it was my imagination. but then, u dun imagine u heard the doorbell ring. right? i hope i'm wrong.

i got 7 msn msges ranging from requests by people asking me to check on other people (weird) and people asking me for websites (for projects) and people telling me their teddy bear is called moggs, cause it's a jedi bear so it needs a jedi name and to a sudden reappearance of people that had completely vanished to people asking me what did 0 say to 8....

in case u didnt know, 0 said, so fat already still wear belt. that one really cracked me up...

then i got a phone call that really woke me up. my friend found a love diary belonging to me in his cupboard. dated 2003... like really. and no, i do not keep love diaries. never did, very unlikely will. uh huh. apparently it's a my melody diary given to me by my friend's friend who incidentally was my gf at that time. it chronicled our life together for the 1st month. the funny thing was that i only remembered being together with her for 1 week but perhaps it was a month. haha. errrr not suprising that no one else introduced their friends to me anymore. but it really wasnt my fault. and she was a really nice girl. i felt that she was too good for me. but as time passes, no one is really too good for anyone anymore. they all just come and go. somehow that's changing too. cause there's someone who has came. but not going. at least not anytime soon. bah. i digress. no wait, i cant even remember what i was talking about.

look out for the next rugby mailer. they yr 2s are really out doing themselves with every mailer. seriously they're good. but then again, they've only sent out 2 emails and i believe that people will think that we're the most egoistical, unfeeling, self centred and arrogant people in SMU. but then again, i'm not denying that we are. when you're good, you've just got to ride the wave and let everyone know how good you are because no one really knows how good you are till they either see it for themselves or hear it. since no one can see a match that wasnt filmed down again. we just have to tell them.

i hate ontrac. i got both my internship offers and i accepted one of them. rejecting the other in the process. when lo and behold, the next morning, i get an email telling me to confirm which internship i want by 22th oct.


and the only reason i can think of is that the big 4 may retract offers. i spent 1 hr and found out that all the bug 4 had already sent out offers. so if all the offers are out, everyone can accept no? why are we told not to accept? the only reason is that the big 4 might retract offers. that's why they're telling us not to accept 1st. fuckers. i'm dead. if dt retracts, i'm so dead. i've already by accepting dt rejected kpmg. like seriously, a case of jumping the gun.

tamade chao chee bye.....

and this is a damn bimbotic conversation...

g/ i asked for nothing. says:
i havent read it yet
later tonight i go n read
mid term canot discuss rite
pk ( company law prof, her name was mentioned to provide me information about whose midterm she was talking about)
or can ah
Ser Puff - smu rugby: proud winners of every toin coss. says:
can lar
can even open discussion
consult everybody
g/ i asked for nothing. says:
shiok le
this rox la
Ser Puff - smu rugby: proud winners of every toin coss. says:
then check answers also (sounds damn sarcastic doesnt it...)
g/ i asked for nothing. says:
then i study for f?
Ser Puff - smu rugby: proud winners of every toin coss. says:
cause if everyone thought like u....
no one would know the answers...
g/ you're such a psycho, it scares me. says:
hahahaha tts true
ok so i go n study
mayb i can contribute tmr (RIGHT.....)
Ser Puff - smu rugby: proud winners of every toin coss. says:
that sounded damn bimbotic...
g/ you're such a psycho, it scares me. says:
i am a bimbo what (open declaration of love here)
hahaha ( i dunno what the double laugh was for... disturbing are my friends.)
Ser Puff - smu rugby: proud winners of every toin coss. says:
g/ you're such a psycho, it scares me. says:
come online tonight
then again
i think i wont study
muahaha (what a round about way of convincing herself not to study)

p.s in case u read it, there's really no need to study cause it's really open discussion. i was just trying to be sarcastic to scare u. but it obviously failed. but no worries, ur happier that way. :D

Monday, October 16, 2006

sound bites

hey adrian, go do the toin coss can?

toin coss....

yeah, toin coss.

u mean coing toss.


when adrian comes back.

aye i won the toin coss. shit. coin coss. nono. toin toss. fuck lar. i won the flipping of the coin.

what's an auditor general?

the general of auditors.

what's a dtl? (afa team for deferred tax liability)

damn that's low....

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"Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Support your answer with a proof."

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So, we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion (christianity, islam), you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to Hell.

With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:
(1) If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
(2) Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by a friend, "That it will be a cold night in Hell before she (jessica alba) sleeps with you," and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in that area, then (2) cannot be true, and so Hell is exothermic.

i am bored...

yesterday i was at ntu and i saw an ntu poster which i am trying to get by to pass to me. and it said, a lot of event in stalled for you.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


i'm sitting in the library staring at the rain and it's surreal. the wind blowing, the branches swaying in the wind. the total chaos 10 metres in from of me is the total opposite of the calm, quietness and peace in the library. as i sat there watching, i suddenly had this thought of ants. those poor mother fuckers must be dying in the storm....

there's 21 people in front of me and not a single guy. wait. an indian man just sat down. yes indian.... maybe i should discount him cause there're no indian gals in front of me. and he's southern indian. i havent seen non indian chick fancy a southern indian man. not that it's impossible. highly unlikely.

i digress. there's 1,2,3,4 .... 21 gals who cannot make it in front of me. refer to any other male about the meaning of cannot make it. that makes it 21 out of 21 gals that cannot make it... smu is really losing it's focus. what's the use of producing top quality female graduates if they cannot make it? sigh.... smu's killing us by producing intelligent gals that cannot make it.

how they're doing it?
1. these girls will go on to work, earn money and probably have high expectations.
2. nobody wants these girls as they're quite cmi (except guys who cmi)
3. but among the cmi guys that would chase these girls, only the really cmi ones who fail both in the looks and brains deparment will be interested in them
4. these cmi girls would not want them
5. we now have not only these group of cmi girls not reproducing
6. we also have a bunch of really cmi guys who want to reproduce but have no one to do it with
7. these cmi guys would probably go on to do things like rape, murder and rape, kidnap and rape, rape and rape etc
8. following genetics, more cmi people will be born
9. the cycle repeats itself....

oh boy, what a doomsday thought i've conjured in 10 minutes....

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

no i wasnt the one that made the mosaic.


guys, i publicly apologize to weipeng for the mosiac over his body. please forgive me, though it was DM's idea. im sure he's sorry too.

But weipeng's popularity is skyhigh now so it can only be a good thing for the team.

i love the part about though it was dm's idea, i'm sure he's sorry too....

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Sometimes I wish I could go around changing my msn nick so as to poke fun at other people’s msn nicks. Be it bad English or a pun on their nicks or something as blatant as telling them that their emo fucking nicks are just that. Too emo and too fucked up.

For example, if someone’s nick was “ today I and Jane fucked.”

Doesn’t he know that it’s always Jane and I? do not be such a self centered narcissistic bastard please. The world neither revolves around you and neither does it spin only for you. Please. Perspective here…

Or when someone’s nick is “never betray the trust that was given to you…”

Is it me or isn’t that obvious? Why do people break the trust placed in them…

1, you’ve obviously misplaced that trust…
2, you’re unimportant
3, there is something better to be gained from breaking that trust
4, you’re a fucker and by default, all your friends are fuckers

Or perhaps you’re simply reminding yourself not to break a trust which has been placed upon you. But if you have to put that on your msn nick to remind yourself, you are really 1 dumb mother fucker.

Anyway, what’s up with putting such a nick on? Are you trying to tell that special someone not to break your trust? Which is just stupid because the sheer fact that you had to tell that someone not to break it means you can’t trust the person. So why trust him in the 1st place…

And if someone did break your trust, don’t you think it’s already too little too late to tell the person that you know? How petty is that…. Just pretend you don’t know and shove an umbrella up his ass and open it.

Another example is “ The bird of the Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.”

Uh huh.. The bird of THE Hermes… it’s a god, for goodness sake. It’s like going, I am the Adrian ong. Instead of Adrian.

When I 1st read it I was like wtf. Who wants to be the bird of the hermes… it was just weird. And upon googling (oh no, I might get sued for this), I came upon this

The Bird of Hermes is my name,
Eating my wings to make me tame
Hiding the face which many would fear
And allowing a facade to appear
Devouring that which lets me soar
So that I can be accepted forevermore

What conformatism. Such valour. It’s akin to eating one's balls off when your on a deserted island so that you can be one of the girls. By eating your balls off, you would essentially be hiding the face which many would fear! How cool is that. And no doubt, you would be devouring that which lets YOU soar!

I now fully understand why people would want to be the bird of Hermes. BIRD.


Which just proves my point. Do not write bad English, and if you ARE quoting from somewhere, at least make sure it is WRITE. ( I know it’s right)

And speaking of right words. My boss asked me, “ how do u spell except?” and I went, E-X-C-E-P-T. she went I mean I take your present except. I was like A-C-C-E-P-T.

And she went, those 2 words always get me so confused….

Shoot me please.

if you see your nicks here, please do not get offended. your identities have been protected and more importantly, you aren't supposed to know about this blog. so WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE.

Friday, October 06, 2006


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this was hilarious! sorrry peng, i really didnt know they were sending this out. but judging from the responses that i've got and u've gotten, i believe this really made an impact!


Monday, October 02, 2006

Eliminate Dihydrogen Monoxide!

from Tulsa Computer Society; via Tulsa (OK) Ostomy Association NEWSLETTER

A freshman at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to the alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project, he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide."

And for plenty of good reasons, since:

1. It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting,
2. It is a major component in acid rain,
3. It can cause severe burns in its gaseous state,
4. Accidental inhalation can kill you,
5. It contributes to erosion,
6. It decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes,
7. It has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients.

He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical. Forty-three said yes, six were undecided, and only one knew that the chemical was water.

The title of his prize winning project was "How Gullible Are We?" He feels that the conclusion is obvious.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A little wordplay for lovers of words ;)

1. A bicycle can’t stand alone; it is two tired.
2. A will is a dead giveaway.
3. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
4. A backward poet writes inverse.
5. In a democracy it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism, it’s your Count that votes.
6. A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.
7. If you don’t pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.
8. With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.
9. Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft and I’ll show you A-flat miner.
10. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
11. The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine was fully recovered.
12. A grenade fell onto a kitchen floor in France resulted in Linoleum Blownapart.
13. You are stuck with your debt if you can’t budge it.
14. Local Area Network in Australia: The LAN down under.
15. He broke into song because he couldn’t find the key.
16. A calendar’s days are numbered.
17. A lot of money is tainted: ‘Taint yours, and ‘taint mine.
18. A boiled egg is hard to beat.
19. He had a photographic memory which was never developed.
20. A plateau is a high form of flattery.
21. The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison: a small medium at large.
22. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
23. When you’ve seen one shopping center you’ve seen a mall.
24. If you jump off a Paris bridge, you are in Seine.
25. When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she’d dye.
26. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.
27. Santa’s helpers are subordinate clauses.
28. Acupuncture: a jab well done.
29. Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de feet.
30. A divorcing dessert chef would fight for custardy
31. At a bar: Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder
32. Language is fun, sometimes funny and sometimes punny.
33. An auction: a place where you get something for nodding
34. I thought out of maybe 10 of these puns, one would make me laugh but unforunately no pun in ten did.
35. Atheism the only non prophet organisation
36. seven days without water makes one weak.
37. Morons need Lessons
38. Is your smug psychic over-charging you? Perhaps you can strike a happy medium.
39. When making whipped cream churn it a little longer, it’s butter that way.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

It’s funny how we know people are befriending us for their own ends. And yet we willing befriend them hoping perhaps that it’s more than a transaction, that perhaps there is something more, that perhaps we’re worth that little bit more, that perhaps they see something in building up a relationship that we do not see. But more often than not, we get a rude wake up call when the vanish from our little world once there’s nothing more to be reaped.

We should already then be smart enough to know what category to place these people in. That they should belong in the deepest, darkest, most secluded corner in our list of priorities. But more often than not, when these people surface again, god knows wheter it is charisma, charm or sheer good lookingness, that cause us to fall under their spell and be complete and utter trusting fools which we have already told ourselves not to be.

Perhaps innately, everyone is good natured and tend to believe the best in people. Though I have to agree how much I believe a person’s best is, is directly proportional to how good they look. And the curve is exponential. I should be damned that way.

How these people live, I cannot understand. Without a loyal and supportive base there for them in good times and more importantly bad. They simply hope from one place of salvation to another, sucking the marrow dry before they jump ship, not necessarily onto something better. But onto something new, perhaps they know that though they might not have overstayed their welcome, they might be breaching it soon. And rather than give something back in return, they choose to leech on to something fresh.

It’s time I learnt to look beyond the skin and see what’s deeper. I’ve done that painfully few times but I’ve been rewarded with friends who are there. But with each year, I get more superficial, more business like and less sympathetic. Perhaps the time of making real friends have passed for me and I should really treasure the ones that I’ve got. Instead of constantly trying to balance the old with the new. After all, there’s only 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week.

Friday, September 29, 2006

i eated it.

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i eated it... i really wonder who came up with this wonderful word. i eated it.

we came in 4th for fun touch today. kicked mok ass. kicked boon's ass. and we got whipped by the rest.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I will follow you into the dark

remember the weepy korean or is it japanese mtv where there's this gal who lost her sight cause she was simply too stupid and ended up pouring some blinding liquid into her eyes at her boyfriend's place. and then that dumbass boyfriend of hers gave her his eyes to make up for it? yeah, sad and touching and sweet....

it's just plain stupid. if she didnt go and be a smarty pants, none of that shit would have happened.

i stumbled acrossed a mtv courtesy of KK and it killed me. it's so smart, touching and notoriously cheap. but i beat that korean mtv hands down. too much acting, to tell a story that's too long. this one is simple yet speaks volumes.

Kung Fu

someday, i WILL use this on the most annoying people in my life. namely XXXX, XXXXX, XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX

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but 1st, i'll have to be a follower of the iron hand style.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Have some pride please...

i hate it when people ask me out to "entertain them" or to "fill up some time". i mean to accompany you is fine, to help you out is fine, to lend a listening ear is totally fine.

but never, upon the pain of death ask me out to "entertain" you. do i look like a monkey. are you paying me to "entertain" you. what the fuck am i getting out of "entertaining" you.


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and what's up with the blow job. i bet you have never gotten one in your life. so dun go around pretending that you've gotten one.

Jack Kerouac

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"

Monday, September 25, 2006


remember all the jokes we hear about terrorists and the women that live with them?

you've got to check out this video. especially towards the end where they show how the opressed women decided to rebel.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


i went for a party yesterday and i was kinda awesome. especially after everyone else left, leaving us in charge of the whole house. including the alchol, shisha pipe and the balcony with the so - so view. stoned and smoked and drank till 5 in the morning. MY broke a horse by shaking it... how i dunno. i told her she was so screwed and she looked at me with utmost seriousness and said, it was already broken when u gave it to me....

funny how i gave it to her in 1 piece and she returned it to me in 2 when it was already broken.
KK challeged me to darts.... i got an eleven and a 19 for a best out of 3 game. she got a 0 and a 0...
eil looks like constance song but behaves like a maria. she was loudly proclaiming that she wasnt drunk!
BY was being a disty fairy from like 12 - 3 when she slept in the master bed room while watching animal planet.

i do not know what made those people want to watch animal planet at 3 in the morning....

that was the good part.

the host was found comatose in his bed lying in his pool of vomit.
MY was in and out of the toilet like 5 times (those that i counted) and each time lasted 10 mins MINIMUM.
BY and T knocked out. and everyone knows how hard it is to wake people who've had 1 too many drinks.
KK was puking her guts out. even in the car on the way home.
eil was being a maid. cause she was the only girl who was not drunk.
the rest of us were at the balcony and shishaing away. what friends. what love.

that was really the good part.
i got home at 6. woke up at 4. sent by and t home. came back at around 530 when my phone rang.

it was from mindef. i was on recall. it started at 2. i had 4 hours to report. it was 615. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.


no full pack, no items in the full pack, i didnt even know where my damn helmut was. fuck man....

apparently, all the BRC people were late. the whole bridage could not end because they did not meet the 97% report rate. and most of the people that had not reported were from the BRC. the cannotdowrongofthebridge. the golden boys were not back...

i got there at 720 and was told i had to stay till 10pm. plus i had to endure the "i know ur a good soldier, so what happened today?"

" erm i was hung over... when i woke up it was 6...? u can check what time i authenticated the recall cal... 615... sir, u go check lar..."

fuckers made me feel bad. and at 750, they said, okay u can go now. we were just pulling ur leg.

some pictures while i was stumbling

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this is a common sight in school.
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imagine this...
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and this is timmy's last ride.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pun Fully Intended

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Sore Loser

Lesson number 1. never gloat before you win.

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because it might become this

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for those who do NOT under stand that blockhead has lost... if he won, he would be seeing my picture RIGHT.

and lastly, after losing please do not be a sore loser...

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Kung Fu Fighting

Kung Fu Fighting Lyrics by Carl Douglas

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Those kids were fast as Iighhing

In factit was a little bit fright'ning

But they fought with expert timing.

There were funky China-men from funky China-Town

They were chopping them upthey were chopping them down

It's an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their part

From a faining to a slip and a kicking from the hip.

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting. . .

There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy John

He said: Here comes the big boss (Uh-Huh)let's get it on

We took the bow and made a standstarted swayin' with the hand

A sudden motion made me skipnow we're into a brand-new trip

Everybody was Kung Fu Figthing. . .

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Those kids were fast as lightning

In factit was a little bit fright'ning

Make sure you got expert timing.

This song knocks me out every single time I listen to it. It’s simply hilarious. The lyrics left out the punchlines of the songs. How can they leave out the grunting noises that is repeated time and again throughout the song! It’s damn bloody fucking funny. Talk about cheap thrills.

And what the hell does
There were funky China-men from funky China-TownThey were chopping them upthey were chopping them downIt's an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their partFrom a fainting to a slip and a kicking from the hip.mean?
Hahaha. What a sterotype. They were chopping them up and chopping them down. WAHAHAHAHAHA! And everybody knew their part? Shoot me please…
And how does one go from a fainting to a slip. And a kick- ING from the hip. HAHAHA.

And then of course There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy JohnHe said: Here comes the big boss (Uh-Huh)let's get it on
Imagine being called funky billy chin and little sammy john. It’s damn bloody cock!
Imagine going for lunch with strangers and then u go, “ hi, my name is billy chin!”
What the hell were they thinking… such fucking sterotypes. and who actually goes to the big boss and says lets get it on... how misleading...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I’m starting to get so caught up in work that it’s finally taking my life away from me. All the bloody journal entries, patent infringements and ethical values are slowly but surely leeching the life out of me. But all is not lost. I love tax planning. Not because the lecture’s extremely fun, it can be very dreary when people start asking stupid, senseless questions not to prove their class participation but to satisfy some innate inadequacy arising probably from a sad and demented childhood where their parents refused to answers their questions, probably because they are just such mother fucking irritating children to begin with that even their parents could not love them. No, I love tax planning and not because I’m learning a lot from it. I mean, I learn a lot from a lot of things anyway, some applicable towards the eternal goal of many in smu. The all important, awe inspiring, enlightenment bringing, god of all things important. The grade point average.

A poot on the gpa. So what! Doesn’t half of them see that they are going to the big 4. They will not be the big 4 if no one wants to go there… RIGHT….

Anyway I digress. I love tax planning because there’s nothing to do for it. No readings, no projects, no class homework. Nothing. Moot. It’s amazing. And I’m loving it. Now, would macdonalds sue me for using their tag line? Hmmm… infringement of intellectual property right. Oh my flaming balls. Somebody call 999!

I hate finishing touch. Why are they teaching me things that I already know. And why are they teaching me things that are not important to me…? More importantly, why are they teaching me things that everyone should know. Like how important EQ is. I mean who doesn’t know how important EQ is…. And if you didn’t know how important it is, telling you how important it is, is not going to help you because you cannot understand something that you did not understand in the 1st place just because someone tells you it’s important. I’m sure having people turn away from you or bitching behind your back or cringe at the mere mention of your name has at least got you wondering why people hate you so much… RIGHT…

I love the eye candies in my class though. There’s like 2 hot chicks in afa. Okay, make that 1 and a half because the other hot chick went on exchange and she came back not quite as hot. Rather, she came back quite gross looking up close. It’s as if something happened to her face and she’s trying to cover it up using a whole bottle of foundation everytime and even then, it’s not working. There’re lumps on her face. Eeeks. How gross is that. Lumps and I’m not kidding.

I love ipr class. There’re 2 chicks in this class. One looks like a SIA gal while the other is a hottie to me, my friend thinks she has a kiam pa (wanna get beaten up) face, while another friend thinks she has a kiam bia (wanna get fucked) face. HAHAHA, a kiam bia face. It’s the 1st time I’ve heard of such an expression in hokkien and it’s mother funny.

Tax planning sadly has 0… it’s terrible. Horrible. Excruciating pain engulfs my body as I drag my unwilling soul into class. Okay, there’s 1 that’s NOT BAD. But doesn’t mean that she’s GOOD.

FINISHING TOUCH IS JUST FINISHING TOUCH. I hate the class and no amount of babes can change that.

Ethics! Is boring…. Plus doesn’t matter whether there’re chicks in the class cause I’m stuck in the front row. I cant see anything. And no, the salsa gal in my class is not hot. Though she is sitting in front of me.

ah, enough about me. here are some pictures that i discovered in my free time during class.

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i can think of 1 person that this applies to greatly but no i'm not saying anything.

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and this, the 1st picture that have given me a whole barrage of responses on msn. ranging from it's damn cool! i want! to you have a very morbid sense of humour... i say, A POX ON YOU!

  1. Thou shalt have no other Search Engine before me, neither Yahoo nor Lycos, AltaVista nor Metacrawler. Thou shalt worship only me, and come to Google only for answers.
  2. Thou shalt not build thy own commercial-free Search Engine, for I am a jealous Engine, bringing law suits and plagues against the fathers of the children unto the third and fourth generations.
  3. Thou shalt not use Google as a verb.
  4. Thou shalt remember each passing day and use thy time as an opportunity to gain knowledge of the unknown.
  5. Thou shalt honor thy fellow humans, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or race, for each has invaluable experience and knowledge to contribute toward humankind.
  6. Thou shalt not misspell.
  7. Thou shalt not hotlink.
  8. Thou shalt not plagiarise or take undue credit for others work.
  9. Thou shalt not use reciprocal links nor link farms, for I am a vengeful but fair engine and will diminish thy PageRank. The Google Dance shall cometh.
  10. Thou shalt not manipulate Search Results. Search Engine Optimization is but the work of Microsoft.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

1st editing

right, instead of studying, here i am adding a random surrealism generator to my blog. it spews nonsense of the utmost rubbish that i'm sure few can appreciate with the exception of by. and a slight mistake is that my archives, name, blah blah have now been shoved to the bottom of my blog. what a retard.

but at least i know that there's a wrapper command and roughly what it does. if that's any consolation...

Thursday, September 07, 2006




ATOMIC MASS:Accepted at 53.6kg, but known to vary from 40-200kg

OCCURRENCES:Copious quantities in all urban areas

1. Surface usually covered in painted film.
2. Boils at nothing; freezes without known reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5. Found in various states from virgin metal to common ore.
6. Yields if pressure applied in correct places.

1. Has great affinity for gold, silver, and a range of precious stones.
2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
3. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no known reason.
4. Insoluble in liquids, but activity increases greatly by saturation in
5. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.

1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can be a great aid to relaxation.
3. Very effective cleaning agent.

1. Pure specimen turns rosy when discovered in the natural state.
2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.

1. Highly dangerous except in experienced hands.
2. Illegal to posses more than one, although several can be maintained at
different locations as long as specimen don't come into direct contact
with each other.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


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okok i was being mean.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Turtle Power

i was looking at my msn display and i couldnt help but wonder WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY TURTLES ON MY MSN

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i can only conclude that there is some private joke running amok among the turtles out there that unhappening and friendless me has been kept in the dark about...


was talking to my underperforming cousin about the benefits of learning english since he does not see the point of learning english. and his reasoning is he knows how to read what ever there is to read. and with the emergence of china, english is not that important. all this was mentioned without the naming of his chinese grade which according to my other sources has a range, a range of c6 to e8. impressive.

so then i asked him to read a passage, " they left the ..... across the walls of hadrian, far up north through the forest of despair and down into the valley of sweet lovin' .... finally they reached an old cabin just after noon."

so smarty, what time did they reach the cabin?

in the afternoon loh

what time


do u know they gave u the time?

yah, they said afternoon time...

why don't u read it again?

there, it says AFTERNOON

no it says after noon.



what time is noon?

i dunno.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Photoshop 2

and they say photo shop can make ur dreams come through.

suddenly, zy asked me if i received his email and i quote, " u got my email ? the one with u and jamie, michelle and fiona ?"

blurred as i didnt know any fiona, michelle and jamie. i figured he probably got the wrong person on msn when he goes, " i sent it to the jzoa@rocket one..."

okay, this was interesting.

then i saw the title of the email, " THIS IS CALLED PHOTOSHOP"

and lastly i downloaded the attachment.

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

the funny thing about smu is that when i'm in school, i can surf the net but i cant connect onto msn.

and when i'm at ntu (dun even ask what i'm doing there.), i have no problems connecting to msn but there's no way in 9 hells that i can surf the damn web.

just goes to show how different the 2 schools are. both believe that they're saving student's precious time by reducing 1 evil while letting the other run free. to me, having 1 evil is 1 too many.

How can people be so presumptuous and assume that other living things cannot feel sorry for themselves?

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”

Are you a bird?
Are your relatives birds?
Can you communicate to birds?
Do you speak birdglish or birdanese or birdalay?
Maybe the damn bird was cursing humans for not letting it into their homes?
Or perhaps it was dying to enter a home with electric heating but was too afraid because humans who are more than capable of feeling sorry for themselves will kill it.
Maybe it was just too stupid to understand that it was dying but it was hating every moment where it’s muscles just couldn’t move.

I’ve beaten my dog when she’s out doing things that she’s not supposed to and boy can I see her sulk. If they can sulk, they’re not that far off from feeling sorry about themselves now could they?

To further show you the power of photoshop.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Power of photoshop

take a look at the 2 pictures below. see if u can spot the difference. besides the face of course...

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can u spot the difference...?

if not...

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p.s if u ever read this, ur face was covered due to certain influences of peopleS inside the photo. :D and to protect u as well! not meaning that i was not going to protect ur identity in the 1st place. and if u do feel strongly about it please let me know directly or indirectly and the yellow face can be removed or the whole post as well. it's really open to further discussions.


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